(6) To sell and ship outside Harford County any containers or packages
of alcoholic beverage kept for sale in the dispensaries, provided that such
shipment is not prohibited by law applicable in the place where shipment
is consigned.
(7) To rent, lease, or purchase premises necessary for the conduct
of said dispensaries, subject to the approval of the County Commissioners.
1939, ch. 734, sec. 48M.
80. The Liquor Control Board shall keep accurate records of the pur-
chase of alcoholic beverages, which records shall be open to inspection by
the representatives of the County, Town and City interested therein, and
shall make an annual report from the time this Act becomes effective,
copies of which shall be filed with the said County, Town and City, which
report or so much thereof as may be deemed by the County Commissioners
to be necessary, shall be published in the County papers printed and pub-
lished in Harford County.
1939, ch. 734, sec. 48N.
81. The said Liquor Control Board shall keep separate accounts of the
operations conducted at each dispensary which shall show the gross revenue
of each dispensary and also the net revenue derived therefrom. After
setting aside at each dispensary the necessary reserve for the proper con-
duct thereof, the said Board shall, as often as it may deem to the best inter-
ests of the County, Town and City, and at least semi-annually make a
distribution of the net proceeds as follows: To the County Commissioners
of Harford County, fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds derived from
each of said liquor dispensaries; to the Towns of Aberdeen and Bel Air,
one-half of the net proceeds from the liquor dispensaries located therein;
and to the City of Havre de Grace, one-half of the net proceeds from the
liquor dispensary located therein; to be used by said County, Town and
City for debt service, operating expenses or for whatever other purposes
may be deemed best. The amount distributed to Bel Air is hereby dedi-
cated to payment of the debt and debt service thereon created by Chapter 28
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1939. No advertising of
said dispensaries, or of liquors sold therein, shall be done by said Liquor
Control Board, in any manner in Harford County.
1939, ch. 734, sec. 48-0.
82. Any person, co-partnership or corporation who shall violate any
of the provisions of Sections 78-84, or who, while holding a license to
sell any of the beverages mentioned in Section 421A of Article 13 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, shall have in their possession any alco-
holic beverage containing more alcohol by volume than is permitted under
the provisions of said Section 421A shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction, be punishable
by a fine of not less than Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250. 00)
nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000. 00), or imprisonment in
jail not to exceed one year, or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court, and in the case of a licensee having liquor in his possession
as above mentioned, the license of such licensee shall be immediately re-
voked by the Board.