1939, ch. 524, sec 48-1.
76. The Liquor Control Board shall keep accurate records of all pur-
chases of alcoholic beverages, which records shall be open to inspection by
the Comptroller or any of his Deputies or inspectors during all regular
business hours, and shall also prepare and forward to the Board of County
Commissioners a report for the period ending on April 30th in each year,
which report shall contain a full and complete statement of the business
transacted by the Board and the results of the operation of the dispensaries
or branch dispensaries established under the authority of Sections 74-77.
The books of the Liquor Control Board shall be audited as of June 30th
each year in the same manner as the books of the County Treasurer.
1939, ch. 524, sec. 48J.
77. All net profits arising from the operation of said dispensaries or
branch dispensaries shall be first applied towards the payment of any and
all sums advanced to or borrowed by the Liquor Control Board. After such
sums have been paid, the said Board shall be authorized to create and
maintain a reserve fund not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5, 000. 00),
to provide adequate working capital and to meet any losses that may be
sustained by the Board in the operation of such dispensaries. All net
profits in excess of the above shall belong to and be paid over to the County
Commissioners of Talbot County on or before June 1, in each and every
year. 1
1939, ch. 734, sec. 48K.
78. Immediately after May 3, 1939 and annually thereafter, the
County Commissioners of Harford County shall appoint a Liquor Control
Board consisting of three members, all of whom shall be residents and
taxpayers of Harford County. The said Board shall hold office for a term
of one year, or until their successors shall be duly appointed and qualified.
In case of a vacancy it shall be filled for the unexpired term by the said
County Commissioners. The members of said Board shall each give a
bond to Harford County in an amount to be prescribed from time to time
by the County Commissioners for the faithful performance of the duties
of their office, the premium on said bond to be paid by the County and
charged against the gross proceeds derived from the operation of said
dispensaries. The Board shall immediately upon their appointment organ-
ize and elect its Chairman. The members of said Board shall receive a sal-
ary of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) per year except the Chairman,
who shall receive a salary of Six Hundred Dollars ($600. 00) per year,
all of said salaries to be paid from the gross proceeds derived from the
operation of said dispensaries.
The Board shall have power and authority to establish and maintain in
Aberdeen, Bel Air and Havre de Grace stores to be known as "Liquor
Dispensaries" for the sale of any sparkling or fortified wine and any other
alcoholic beverages containing more than fourteen percentum (14%)
of alcohol by volume, in sealed packages or containers, which packages or
containers shall not be opened nor their contents consumed upon the
premises where said dispensaries are located.
1 Sec 2, ch 524 of 1939 provides that secs 74 to 77 shall not become effective unless
approved by a majority of the votes cast in Talbot County thereon at the election
to be held in Nov 1940 and that the Dispensaries may not be opened until May 1,