2640 ARTICLE 66B
moval. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term
shall be filled for the unexpired term by the mayor and confirmed by the
1933, ch. 599, sec. 4.
13. (Organization and Rules.) The Commission shall elect its chair-
man from amongst the appointed members and create and fill such other
of its offices as it may determine. The term of chairman shall be one year,
with eligibility for re-election. The Commission shall hold at least one
regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules for transaction of busi-
ness and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings,
and determinations, which record shall be a public record.
1933, ch. 599, sec. 5.
14. (Staff and Finances.) The Commission may appoint such em-
ployees as it may deem necessary for its work. The Commission may also
contract with city planners, engineers, architects, and other consultants for
such services as it may require. The expenditures of the Commission, ex-
clusive of gifts, shall be within the amounts appropriated for the purpose
by council, which shall provide the funds, equipment, and accommodations
necessary for the Commission's work.
1933, ch. 599, sec. 6.
15. (General Powers and Duties.) It shall be the function and duty
of the Commission to make and adopt a master plan for the physical
development of the municipality, including any areas outside of its bound-
aries which, in the Commission's judgment, bear relation to the planning
of such municipality. Such plan, with the accompanying maps, plats,
charts, and descriptive matter shall show the Commission's recommenda-
tions for the development of said territory, including, among other things,
the general location, character, and extent of streets, viaducts, subways,
bridges, waterways, water fronts, boulevards, parkways, playgrounds,
squares, public buildings, parks, aviation fields, and other public ways,
grounds and open spaces, the general location and extent of public utilities
and terminals, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, for water,
light, sanitation, transportation, communication, power, and other pur-
poses; also the removal, relocation, widening, narrowing, vacating, aban-
donment, change of use or extension of any of the foregoing ways, grounds,
open spaces, buildings, property, utilities, or terminals; as well as a zon-
ing plan for the control of the height, area, bulk, location, and use of build-
ings and premises. As the work of making the whole master plan pro-
gresses, the Commission may from time to time adopt and publish a part
or parts thereof, any such part to cover one or more major sections or
divisions of the municipality or one or more of the aforesaid or other
functional matters to be included in the plan. The Commission may from
time to time amend, extend, or add to the plan. Nothing in this sub-title
shall be construed to give a Planning Commission any authority over the
construction, maintenance or operation of electric tower transmission lines
on rights of way now owned by electric light, power or transmission com-
panies in Baltimore County.