and no sale of alcoholic beverages may be consummated outside of the
licensed place of business. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the
receiving of orders by mail, telephone or messenger and the filling of such
orders by delivery.
An Code, 1924, sec 27 1933 (Special Sess), ch 2, sec 27
37. (General Regulations—Restrictions Upon Importations of Alco-
holic Beverages. ) No person other than the holder of a manufacturer's or
wholesaler's or Class E or Class F license as hereinabove provided, shall
be permitted to import any alcoholic beverages into this State for the
purpose of sale or consumption within this State, except that any resident
of this State over the age of twenty-one years may bring into any County
or Baltimore City alcoholic beverages not exceeding one quart at a time
and not exceeding two quarts in any calendar month for the personal use
only of such person.
An Code, 1924, sec 28 1933 (Special Sess ), ch 2, sec 28
38. (General Regulations—Manufacturers and Wholesalers to Have
No Interest in Any Retail Establishment. ) It shall be unlawful for any
holder of a manufacturer's or wholesaler's license, or any one connected
with the business of such holder, or any other distiller, brewer, rectifier,
blender or bottler, to have any financial interest in the premises upon or in
which any alcoholic beverage is sold at retail by any licensee, or in any
business conducted by such licensee; and it shall also be unlawful for any
such person or any one connected with his, its or their business, to lend any
money or other thing of value, or make any gift or to offer any gratuity
to any retail dealer, and it shall also be unlawful for any such person
to furnish any sign, display or other form of advertisement of any value
in excess of Five Dollars ($5. 00), advertising the products of a particular
manufacturer or wholesaler, distiller, brewer, rectifier, blender or bottler, to
the holder of any retail license issued under the provisions of this Article,
and, except as above provided, no retail dealer shall accept, receive or make
use of any money, gift, sign or display furnished by any manufacturer or
wholesaler, or any distiller, brewer, rectifier, blender or bottler, or become
indebted to any such person except for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall, upon con-
viction, be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Dollars
($5, 000. 00) or by imprisonment for not more than two years or by both
fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court
Cited in construing Secs 30 and 31 Liquor Stores Assn v Commrs, 171 Md 432
This section held not to apply to sign on building in particular case State v
Harrison et al (Judge Frank, Balto Criminal Court), Daily Record, Jan 19, 1940
An Code, 1924, sec 29 1933 (Special Sess), ch 2, sec 29 1939, ch 775, sec 29
39. (Employment of Minors by Retail Dealers Prohibited. ) No per-
son under twenty-one years of age, shall be employed by any holder of a
Class D beer, wine and liquor license in the sale of alcoholic beverages, and
no person under the age of eighteen shall be employed for the sale of alco-
holic beverages in any other licensed establishment.
An Code, 1924, sec 30 1933 (Special Sess ), ch 2, sec 30 1939, ch 775, sec 30
40. (General Regulations—Sales to Minors and Intoxicated Persons
Prohibited. ) No licensee under the provisions of this Article, or any of