An Code, 1924, sec 21 1933 (Special Sess), ch 2, sec 21 1937, ch 411, sec 21.
30. (Two Licenses to Same Person Prohibited. ) No more than one
license provided by this Article, except by way of renewal, shall be issued
to any person, or for the use of any partnership, corporation or unin-
corporated association, in Baltimore City or any County of the State, and
no more than one license shall be issued for the same premises, except as
provided in Section 3 and provided that in Baltimore City any person,
firm or corporation operating more than one restaurant or hotel or more
than one retail drug store on December 5, 1933 shall be entitled to obtain
a license for each such place of business upon the filing of a separate
application and the payment of a separate fee for each place of business.
Provided that the provisions of Section 30, restricting a licensee to one
license, and that no more than one license shall be issued for the same
premises, shall not apply to Charles County or Howard County, but in
said Counties it shall be lawful for any licensee, by making application in
the manner elsewhere described in this Article, to obtain both a beer (on
sale) license, or a beer and light wine (on sale) license, and also a beer,
wine and liquor (off sale), Class A license, upon compliance with other
provisions of this Article, and upon payment of the fees herein prescribed
for each class of license.
And provided further, that the holder of any wholesale license may,
upon application, as hereinabove provided, apply for and obtain a beer,
wine and liquor license, Class A, for a separate place of business from that
designated in the wholesaler's license, but where the same person is the
holder of both a wholesaler's and a Class A, beer, wine and liquor license,
separate books of account shall be kept for each place of business, and
the respective licenses shall otherwise be subject to all of the provisions
of this Article.
And provided that in Calvert County it shall be lawful for any licensee,
by making application in the manner elsewhere described in this Article,
to obtain both a beer (on sale) license and also a beer, wine and liquor
(off sale), Class A license, upon compliance with the provisions of this
Article, and upon the payment of the fees herein prescribed for each class
of license.
Every license shall be appropriately numbered by the official issuing
the same.
This section does not authorize drug store to obtain renewal of licenses which were
transferred to it, with the stores for which issued, after enactment of statute. Liquor
Stores Assn. v Commrs, 171 Md 426.
An Code, 1924, sec 22 1933 (Special Sess), ch 2, sec 22
31. (Transfer of Licenses. ) Any holder of a license under the provi-
sions of this Article, may be permitted to transfer his place of business to
some other location or to sell or assign said license and his stock in trade
to another person, provided that application for such transfer or sale shall
be made, and the new location or assignee shall be approved as in the
case of an original application for such license. Such transfer or assign-
ment when made shall be endorsed upon the license by the official issuing
the same, upon the payment of a fee of One Dollar ($1. 00) in addition
to the costs of publication and notice, which shall be paid at the time of
the filing of the application for the transfer or sale; provided, however
that nothing in this section shall apply in Howard County.
This section does not authorize transfer of licenses to persons denied the right to hold
them by Sec 30 or other sections Liquor Stores Assn v Commrs, 171 Md 426