2400 ARTICLE 56
of emergency. The rear bumper shall be so placed that it will not inter-
fere with the egress of the passengers using the emergency door. The door
shall be controlled by a safety device which in case of emergency may easily
be operated independently of the driver and the device shall be protected
against accidental or unauthorized release.
7. Every school bus operating in the State shall be required to come to a
full stop within at least 10 feet and not more than 50 feet before crossing
at grade any track or tracks of a railroad.
8. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit to be operated
any motor vehicle with the words "school bus" painted or printed thereon
if such bus is not more or less regularly used as a bus for the transporta-
tion of children to and from school.
9. Every school bus transporting children to public schools in each
county shall be inspected at least twice each year. Such inspection shall
be made by the county superintendent of schools or his duly authorized
agent, assisted by a person to be designated by the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles. One of the two inspections mentioned above shall be made during
the month of September.
10. Any person operating a motor vehicle which fails to stop as required
in Sub-section 3 of this section, when a school bus, with the stop signal
set, stops to take on or discharge children, or who otherwise violates the
provisions of this section when such bus actually halts for the purpose of
taking on or discharging children, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall upon conviction be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more
than Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Eurthermore, any school bus owner or
operator permitting a school bus to be operated which does not meet the
regulations mentioned in this section or which violates any other provi-
sions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon con-
viction be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Fifty
Dollars ($50.00).
Proper signs must be on school bus to make this section effective. State v. Smith
(Judge Grason, Balto. Co. Circuit Court), Daily Record, Jan. 31, 1940.
1939, ch. 676.
237. The State Roads Commission shall erect signs at the State line on
all interstate roads entering Maryland apprising the public of the existence
of the school bus laws in this State and giving a brief resume of the pro-
visions of said law for its proper observance by motorists entering the
1931, ch. 428.
238. Whenever any street or highway has been divided into clearly
marked lanes for traffic, drivers of vehicles shall obey the following
(a) A vehicle shall normally be driven in the lane nearest the right hand
edge or curb of the highway when said lane is available for travel except
when overtaking another vehicle or in preparation for a left turn or as per-
mitted in subdivision (d).
(b) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as is practicable entirely within
a single lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver has
first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.
(c) Upon a highway which is divided into three lanes a vehicle shall not
be driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another