2392 ARTICLE 56
An. Code, 1924, sec. 207. 1912, sec. 161. 1916, ch. 687. 1918, ch. 85, sec. 161.
1920, ch. 506, sec. 161.
233. In default of the payment of any fines imposed for violations of
any of the provisions of this sub-title, there shall be imposed an imprison-
ment in the county or city jail, as the case may be, for a period not exceeding
one day for each dollar of the fine so imposed, the imprisonment on account
of such default in no event to exceed one year for any single offense pro-
vided that any offender who shall have been found guilty of the violation
of any provisions of this sub-title and made to pay a fine or suffer imprison-
ment therefor, and who shall be convicted at any time thereafter of a
second or additional offense under the same provision, may for each second
or additional offense be fined in double the amount herein prescribed for
the first offense, or may be sentenced to imprisonment for double the period
prescribed for the first offense. This section is not to apply to those cases
as to which penalties in excess of the above have been specially provided
for in this sub-title.
See notes to sec. 162.
Fees of Justices and Constables.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 208. 1912, sec. 162. 1916, ch. 687. 1918, ch. 85, sec. 162.
234. Every Justice of the Peace shall maintain within the limits of
the county for which he is appointed a suitable office for the transaction of
his duties as such, and shall under no circumstances try any case involving
a violation of any provision of the Motor Vehicles Laws of the State, or
impose or collect any fine or collateral in any case except within said
office or, if outside his office hours, within the house in which he regularly
The fees of Justices of the Peace in cases involving alleged violations
of the Motor Vehicle Laws of this State shall be as follows:
For each State warrant issued upon complaint or at the time the offender
is brought before him for an immediate hearing as hereinbefore provided,
a fee of fifty cents;
For each trial upon such warrant, a fee of fifty cents to be taxed only
in the event the warrant is contested and not in any case where the party
pleads guilty, in which event the fee for entering such plea of guilty and
the judgment thereon shall be twenty-five cents;
For administering the oath to the witnesses in any such case, a fee of
twenty cents, such fee to cover the swearing of all the witnesses both for the
State and accused in such case;
For entry of judgment in contested cases, but not in cases where the
accused pleads guilty, twenty-five cents, said entry in all cases to specify
the amount of fine and costs respectively;
For each continuance twenty-five cents ;
For each release of an accused on bail, fifty cents;
For each copy of his warrant and docket entries in any case, ten cents
each or twenty cents for the two.
And no Justice of the Peace shall charge, receive or, attempt to collect
any fees other than or in excess of those enumerated in this section in any
case arising under this sub-title.
No Justice shall try any case except upon warrant duly prepared in the
form required by law which shall be preserved with the other papers per-