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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2108   View pdf image (33K)
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2108 ARTICLE 48A

(i) For valuing individual policies of life insurance companies, fifteen
dollars per million of insurance or any fractional part thereof, and for
valuing group policies of life insurance companies, three dollars per million
of insurance or any fractional part thereof.

(j) For official examination of companies, under this Article, the
charges specified in Section 51 of this Article.

An Code, 1924, sec 41 1912, art 23, sec 191 1902, ch 1, sec 126g 1922, ch 492,'sec 41

41. (Retaliatory Provisions.) When by the laws of any other state, any
deposit of money or securities is required, or taxes, fees, fines, penalties
or other obligations or prohibitions are imposed upon companies incorpor-
rated or organized under the laws of this state, and transacting business
in such other state, or upon the agents of such companies, greater than
those required or imposed by the laws of this state, so long as such laws
remain in force, the same deposits, taxes, fees, fines, penalties, obligations
and prohibitions shall be imposed upon all agents or companies of such
state doing business in this state, instead of those prescribed by the laws
of this state.

An Code, 1924, sec 42 1922, ch 492, sec 42

42. (Production of Books, etc.) No person shall be excused from testi-
fying or from producing any books, papers, contracts, agreements or docu-
ments at the trial or hearing of any person or company charged with vio-
lating any provision of this article on the ground that such testimony or
evidence may tend to incriminate himself, but no person shall be prosecuted
for any act concerning which he shall be compelled so to testify or produce
evidence, documentary or otherwise, except for perjury committed in so

An Code, 1924, sec 43 1922, ch 492, sec 43

43. (Blue Sky Provisions.) No stock salesman, broker or other person
representing any insurance company, wherever incorporated, in process
of organization and not licensed to transact business in this state, shall be
permitted to solicit subscriptions to or sell the stock of such company in this
state unless and until such company has furnished the insurance commis-
sioner with full particulars as to the methods and proposed cost of pro-
motion. Before any such person shall solicit subscriptions to or sell the
stock of such company, he shall be required to secure a license from the in-
surance commissioner, who, prior to the issuance of such license, shall in-
vestigate the record of the applicant and may, for good cause shown, refuse
to issue same. The fee for each such license shall be ten dollars. The cost
of promotion, including commissions to the stock salesmen and all expenses
of organization of whatever character, shall not exceed five per centum
of the subscription or selling price of each share of stock, and the insur-
ance commissioner shall require this provision to be plainly set forth in
the stock subscription agreement or contract for the sale of stock. No part
of the commissions to the salesmen or other organization expense under
any subscription for stock shall be payable until such share or shares of
stock have been fully paid for in cash or securities of equivalent value.
The subscription to or sale of stock in any such company in series is pro-
hibited, except that after a company is organized and actively engaged in
the insurance business, the insurance commissioner is empowered to au-


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2108   View pdf image (33K)
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