after (except that companies of foreign countries may transmit their state-
ments of business, other than that done in the United States, at any time
prior to the following first of July), which statements must be in the form
and state the particulars required by the blanks prescribed by the insurance
commissioner; and he may require at any time statements from any com-
pany doing business within this state, or from any of its officers or agents,
on such points as he may deem necessary and proper to elicit a full exhibit
of its business and standing; all of which statements herein required must
be certified by the signatures and oath of the president or vice-president of
the company, with that of the secretary or actuary. 'No company having
neglected to file a statement required of .it within the time and manner
prescribed shall do any new business, after notification by the insurance
commissioner, while such neglect continues; and any company neglecting
for thirty days to make and transmit any statements required, shall forfeit
one hundred dollars for each day's neglect.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 31. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 32.
31. (Publication of Abstracts of Annual Statements.) The insurance
commissioner shall annually publish once a, week for three consecutive
weeks in a daily newspaper published in the City of Baltimore, an ab-
stract of the annual statement of each insurance company, mutual or stock,
doing business in this state, except domestic companies having their prin-
cipal office in one of the counties of this state, in which case said publica-
tion shall be in the county where the principal office of any such company
is located. The actual cost of such publication by the commissioner shall
be taxed against and collected from the companies whose 'statements are
so published by him. Each of said companies except such mutual com-
panies as are excepted under the provisions of Section 159 shall, in addi-
tion to said publication by the commissioner, publish said abstract of its
annual statement in another paper in Baltimore City, for three consecu-
tive times. The commissioner and the company shall cause the first ap-
pearance of the publication of the abstract of each said company prior to
the first day of April. The commissioner shall, upon the payment of a fee
of one dollar, furnish a certified copy of such abstract so published, to any
person applying therefor.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 32. 1924, ch. 562.
32. (Publication of Revocation of Licenses.) Whenever any license,
permit, or qualification granted or issued by the Insurance Commissioner
to any Insurance Company, Insurance Broker, Broker's Solicitor, Agent
or Solicitor has been revoked or suspended, the Insurance Commissioner
may immediately publish the fact of the revocation of such license or per-
mit and the date of such revocation in some daily newspaper, published in
the City of Baltimore, and by such other advertisement or publication as
the Insurance Commissioner may deem proper.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 33. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 33. 1927, ch. 394, sec. 33.
33. (Conditions Precedent to Beginning Business.) No person shall act
as agent or solicitor in this State for any insurance company in any man-
ner whatever relating to insurance risks, until all the provisions of this
article, relating thereto have been complied with, and there has been
granted by the insurance commissioner a certificate of authority or license