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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2097   View pdf image (33K)
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State, the books, accounts and affairs of the insurance department, and do
such other auditing as the Commissioner may direct. He shall also, when
so directed by the Commissioner, assist in the examination of companies,
and shall receive an annual compensation as fixed and provided by the
budget, and when engaged in the examination of companies, the per diem
provided by Section 51, to be paid by the companies examined by him,
provided, however, that the total amount of salary and per diem fees shall
not exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) in any one year.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 9. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 10.

9. (Clerks.) The commissioner may also employ such clerks and assis-
tants as may be necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of his
department, at such compensation as shall be fixed and provided by the

An. Code, 1924, sec. 10. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 11. 1935, ch. 183.

10. (General Powers and Duties of Commissioner.) It shall be the duty
of the Commissioner to see that all the laws of this State governing insur-
ance companies or relating to the business of insurance are faithfully exe-
cuted. He shall keep on file in his office duly certified copies of the charter,
declaration of organization or deed of settlement of every insurance com-
pany authorized to do business in this State, and all other certificates and
documents required by this Article to be filed with him, and shall furnish
any such company applying therefor, certified copies of said documents
filed in his department. He shall furnish in December of each year to the
companies required by this Article to report to him, the necessary blank
forms for the statements required, and shall carry out, fulfill and enforce
all the provisions of this Article with reference to the supervision and regu-
lation of insurance companies and the business of insurance. It shall be
his duty to report in detail to the Attorney General any violations of the
laws relative to insurance companies or the business of insurance, and he
shall have power to institute suits and prosecutions either by the Attorney
General or such other attorney as the Attorney General may select, for any
violation of the provisions of this Article. The Commissioner is a neces-
sary party to any proceedings instituted for the purpose of closing up the
affairs of any company, when the same shall not be in the name of the
State of Maryland. The Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner
shall have the power to administer oaths to all witnesses who appear before
them, or either of them, in connection with any examination, investigation
or hearing, and also to require agents and brokers to produce any books,
policies or papers in their possession that may be needed in connection
with any hearing, examination or investigation of such agents or brokers.
For the purpose of all hearings and inquiries which they are authorized
to hold or make, the Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner may issue
summons for witnesses, and all summons so issued shall be served by the
Sheriff of Baltimore City or by the Sheriff of any of the Counties. If
any witness so summoned shall refuse or neglect to attend, or attending
refuse to testify, the official issuing the summons shall report the facts to
the Superior Court of Baltimore City, or the Circuit Court of any County,
as the case may be, and said Court is hereby authorized and directed to
proceed by attachment against said witness in all respects as if said


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2097   View pdf image (33K)
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