and to revoke or suspend said license for any violation of the provisions of
this law.
Any person applying for registration, who is twenty-one years of age
and of good moral character and who has satisfactorily completed a four-
year course of architecture in any recognized day or night school in the
City of Baltimore or in the State of Maryland, and who has served five
years in the contracting business, either in an office or in the field, shall be
registered without examination and shall be entitled to practice with all
the rights and privileges of a licensed architect, under the provisions of
this law.
1935, ch. 309, sec. 394.
462. (Persons Exempt.) The following persons shall be exempt from
the provisions in this sub-title.
(a) Professional and practicing engineers who are engaged in giving
or offering to give for a consideration unbiased advice to clients concern-
ing the selection of site or structural design of buildings, the repair or
alteration to existing buildings, or any other service in connection with
the planning or supervision of construction of buildings where the con-
sultant charges for knowledge and skill and has no prejudicial interest
in the project either as owner, contractor or producer or seller of material,
and who holds himself out as able to perform or who does perform any
professional service, such as consultation, investigation, evaluation, plan-
ning, structural design or responsible supervision of construction, in con-
nection with any private or public buildings, structures or projects, or the
equipment or utilities thereof, or the accessories thereto wherein the safe-
guarding of life, health or property is concerned or involved, when such
professional service requires the application of the art and science of con-
struction based upon the principles of mathematics and the physical sci-
ences, provided, however, that no such engineer shall use the designa-
tion "architect" unless licensed in accordance with the provisions of this
(b) Professional landscape architects who are engaged in the design,
construction and/or supervision of structures of not more than one story
in height, nor with a clear span in excess of 25 feet, or without roofs,
incidental and/or supplemental to the practice of landscape architecture;
and real estate brokers, dealers and agents when engaged in the appraisal
of properties and the selection of sites.
(c) Employees of the United States, the State of Maryland, counties
and municipalities and other agencies and political sub-divisions of the
State of Maryland, but only for and during the term of their respective
offices and only while in discharge of their duties as such employees.
(d) Non-residents acting as Consulting Architects, provided such con-
sultant is legally qualified for practice in his own State, and that he acts
or speaks only through a properly licensed architect when acting in this
capacity in the State of Maryland.
1935, ch. 309, sec. 395.
463. (No Corporation or Partnership to be Licensed.) No Corporation
or partnership as such, shall be licensed or registered to practice architec-
ture, nor shall said corporation or partnership as such, be entitled to use
any form of the title "Architect" in connection with the corporate name
or his partnership as such.