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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 1843   View pdf image (33K)
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prevent their being used for food; provided, that nothing in this section
shall apply to the shippers or consignors of green fruits or vegetables that
may be spoiled in transitu.

As to water, ice and sewage, see sec. 372, et seq.

As to "feeding stuffs," see art. 48, sec. 103, et seq.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 175. 1912, sec. 152. 1904, sec. 127. 1890, ch. 604, sec. 53.

177. The state board of health shall be charged with the duty of ren-
dering effective the provisions of this sub-title, and shall take such steps
and do such things as the board may deem necessary, to detect and publicly
expose any adulteration or corruption of all articles sold or liquid intended
or offered for sale as food or drink; and shall when deemed necessary
have the suspected article subjected to chemical or other scientific examina-
tion in order to. establish more clearly the fact and degree of adulteration.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 176. 1912, sec. 153. 1904, sec. 128. 1890, ch. 604, sec. 54. 1920, ch. 316.

178. Whenever the said Board of Health, or its proper officer shall be
satisfied that any article of food, condiment or drink has been adulterated,
or is otherwise unsound or unwholesome, the said board or its proper officer,
shall forbid the sale or disposal of such article for human food and order it
to be destroyed or disposed of so as to prevent it from being exposed for
sale or used for the. food of man; and the person or persons to whom the
same belongs or did belong at the time of exposure for sale, or in whose
possession, or whose premises the same was found, refusing or neglecting
to destroy or otherwise dispose of such unsound or unwholesome article
as directed, shall be liable to the penalty imposed under the provisions
of Section 176.

Whenever the State Board of Health, or its proper officer, shall be
satisfied that any article of food, condiment or drink has been misbranded,
the said Board or its proper officer shall forbid the sale or disposal of such
article for human food until such article of food, condiment or drink has
been re-labelled in accordance with an order in writing by the State Board
of Health or its proper officer, and any person or persons to whom the
same belong, or in whose possession, or on whose premises the same was
found, selling or offering for sale or delivering any such article of food,
condiment or drink, before the same shall have been re-labelled in accor-
dance with the aforementioned order, shall he liable to the penalty imposed
under the provisions of Section 176.1

An. Code, 1924, sec. 177. 1912, sec. 154. 1904, sec. 129. 1890, ch. 604, sec. 55.

179. The said state board of health, or its proper officer or any inspec-
tor or inspectors appointed by said board are empowered at all reasonable
times to inspect and examine any live animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game,
flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, wine, spirits, malt or other liquors
or things exposed for sale or deposited in any place for the purpose of sale,
or of preparation for sale and intended for the food of man, the proof
that the same was not exposed or deposited for any such purpose, or was
not intended for the food of man, resting with the party charged; and if
such animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruits, vegetables,
bread, milk or other things appear to the said,board or its proper officer or
inspector, to be diseased or unsound or unwholesome and unfit for the food
of man, the said board or its proper officer shall issue an order, preventing

1 Sec. 2 of ch. 316 of acts of 1920 repeals all acts inconsistent with said ch. 316.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 1843   View pdf image (33K)
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