An. Code, 1924, sec. 163. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150D.
165. Persons, firms or corporations granted a license to manufacture
soft drinks or other non-alcoholic beverages, must manufacture and label
their products in compliance with the Food & Drug Law of Maryland,
Chapter 156, Acts of 1910, Chapter 667, Acts of 1916, Chapter 333, Acts
of 1920.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 164. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150E.
166. All licenses granted shall be numbered and bear the name of the
town or city and the street address where the establishment is located, and
all permits so granted shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the
premises so covered.
All delivery trucks and wagons maintained by persons holding permits
shall be kept clean and shall bear the permit number and the name of the
town or city where the establishment is located.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 165. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150F.
167. The State Board of Health shall have the power to revoke
any license issued under the provisions of sections 162-175 whenever it is
determined by itself or any of its deputies, chemists or other properly
qualified officials that any of the provisions of sections 162-175 have been
violated. Any person, firm or corporation whose license has been so re-
voked, shall discontinue the manufacture or sale within this State of soft
drinks, syrups or other non-alcoholic beverages until the provisions of
sections 162-175 have been complied with and a new license issued. The
State Board of Health make1 revoke such license temporarily until there
is a compliance with such conditions as it may prescribe, or permanently
for the unexpired period of such license.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 166. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150G.
168. Before revoking any license the State Board of Health shall give
written notice to the licensee affected, stating that it contemplates the revo-
cation of the same and giving its reasons therefor. Said notice shall appoint
a time of hearing before said Board or its Deputies, and shall be mailed by
registered mail to the licensee. On the day of hearing, the licensee may
present such evidence to the State Board of Health as he deems fit, and
after hearing all the testimony, the State Board of Health shall decide the
question in such a manner as to it appears just and right.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 167. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150H. 1924, ch. 292, sec. 150H.
169. Any licensee who feels aggrieved at the State Board of Health
may appeal from said decision within ten days by writ of certiorari to the
Circuit Court for the county in which such licensee resides, or to the Balti-
more City Court, if said licensee resides in Baltimore City, and issue shall
be framed in said Court and a trial had, and its decision shall be final.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 168. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150-I.
170. The use of saccharin, dulcin, glucin and other artificial sweeteners
is prohibited.
1 The word "may" evidently intended.