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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 1839   View pdf image (33K)
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of such facts to the State Veterinary Medical Board, shall be allowed to
continue the practice of the same, and be entitled to be registered by said
Board within nine months from said date.

Adulteration of Food and Drink.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 160. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150A. 1924, ch. 292, sec. 150A.

162. No person, firm or corporation shall manufacture for sale in
bottles or jugs any soft drink or other non-alcoholic beverage (except apple
cider) within this State without having first applied for and having received
a license from the State Board of Health. Said application shall contain
the name of the applicant, his address, and the location of his manufactur-
ing plant or plants, the name of the beverage or beverages manufactured,
and such other pertinent information as shall be prescribed by the State
Board of Health in pursuance of the provisions of sections 162-175. The
application shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00),
upon receipt of which application and fee the State Board of Health shall
issue to said applicant a license for the manufacture of the beverages
mentioned in this section. Said license shall extend for one year from the
date of its issue, unless sooner revoked, as herein provided, and shall be
renewed annually thereafter. A license may be denied at the time of
application if the establishment of the applicant is known to be in an
unsanitary condition or if the water supply is known to be dangerously
polluted. No soft drink or other non-alcoholic beverage (except apple
cider) not manufactured in this State shall be sold or offered for sale in the
State of Maryland, unless same is first inspected and registered with the
State Board of Health, and an inspection fee of five dollars ($5.00) for
each brand of such drink or other non-alcoholic beverage bearing a distin-
guishing flavor or name shall be paid by said manufacturer, his agent or
dealer, to the State Board of Health, same to be renewed annually; pro-
vided that no one manufacturer (either personally or through his agent
or dealer) shall be required to pay annual inspection fees in excess of
$25.00, upon brands of such drink manufactured by him, irrespective of
the number of his said brands inspected and registered.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 161. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150B. 1924, ch. 292, sec. 150B. 1939, ch. 415.

163. All moneys collected by the State Board of Health under the pro-
visions of sections 162-175 shall be paid into the State Treasury. Such
funds may be withdrawn by the State Board of Health by warrant from
the State Treasury and used for the enforcement of sections 162-175.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 162. 1922, ch. 120, sec. 150C.

164. Persons, firms, or corporations granted a license to manufacture
soft drinks or other non-alcoholic beverages, must comply with the Sanitary
Inspection Law, Chapter 678, Laws of Maryland, 1914, and with the
following requirements:

(a) Every building, room, basement or cellar, occupied or used for
the preparation for sale, manufacture, packing, storage, sale or distri-
bution of any drink products shall be properly lighted, drained, plumbed
and ventilated and conducted with due regard for the purity and whole-
someness of the products therein produced, and with strict regard to the
influence of such conditions upon the health of the operatives, employees,
clerks, or other persons therein employed. The term "Drink Products"


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
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