any person from practicing veterinary medicine and surgery on any ani-
mal belonging to himself or herself. And this sub-title shall not apply to
commissioned veterinary surgeons in the United States army.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 150. 1912, sec. 142. 1904, sec. 113. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 7.
152. It shall be the duty of such board to keep a register of all prac-
titioners qualified under this sub-title practicing veterinary medicine and
surgery or any branches thereof in this State, and to cause the same to be
published at least once a year in two newspapers published in the city of
An. Code, 1924, sec. 151. 1912, sec. 143. 1904, sec. 114. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 8.
153. The said board shall within six months from April 6, 1894, pre-
pare said register, in which the name of all graduate practitioners in the
State at the time and in actual practice shall, on application to the said
board, be inserted without examination and shall also on application insert
the names of such persons who are practitioners in actual practice without
a diploma or certificate or qualification from a recognized school, who
have been in practice for five years and upwards, prior to the enactment
of this sub-title, upon proof to the said board, that they have been so prac-
ticing; that all persons practicing at this time and not having been so
practicing for five years antecedent to such enactment, shall undergo an
examination before the said board, and if found by said board competent
to practice, the persons so examined and approved shall be entitled to
An. Code, 1924, sec. 152. 1912, sec. 144. 1904, sec. 115. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 9.
154. The said board shall have power to reject any applicant for reg-
istration whose examination papers or diploma are not satisfactory.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 153. 1912, sec. 145. 1904, sec. 116. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 10.
155. No person shall be permitted to practice veterinary medicine
or surgery or any branch thereof in the State of Maryland, who does not
possess a diploma issued from a college or school of veterinary medicine,
duly incorporated and legally licensed to issue diplomas; and if said
diplomas shall be issued after the first day of January, 1895, it shall be
received only from a college or school of veterinary medicine, which shall
require a three years' course of study before issuing said diploma, and
shall have passed such examination or test as may be from time to time
instituted as a test of qualification by such board, and persons producing
such certificates or diplomas who pass such test examination shall, on
payment of such fees as are hereinafter provided for, be registered as
veterinary practitioners.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 154. 1912, sec. 146. 1904, sec. 117. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 11.
156. No moneys shall be paid out of the state treasury for the use or
purposes of this sub-title.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 155. 1912, sec. 147. 1904, sec. 118. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 12. 1937,
ch. 454, sec. 155.
157. Any person not qualified and registered as provided in this
sub-title who shall practice veterinary medicine or surgery, or any branch