from the cow, for the use of the physicians residing and practising medicine
and surgery in this State.
See note to sec. 69.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 68. 1912, sec. 54. 1904, sec. 41. 1888, sec. 26. 1864, ch. 269, sec. 2.
1916, ch. 204.
68. The State Board of Health shall keep on hand, and procure as often
as may be necessary, pure vaccine virus, and furnish such virus to the
physicians of the State, gratuitously, when called for; said Board shall keep
a record of the name and location of each physician so furnished with virus,
together with the quantities, qualities and number of times and shall adver-
tise once a month in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of
Baltimore, and once during the year (three insertions) in one paper of each
See note to sec. 69.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 69. 1912, sec. 55. 1904, sec. 42. 1888, sec. 27. 1864, ch. 269, sec. 3.
1882, ch. 157.
69. For every child vaccinated, whose guardian or parents are too poor
to pay for the service, the county commissioners of the several counties,
or the mayor and city council of Baltimore, as the case may be, shall pay,
or cause to be paid, to the physician performing the service, the sum of fifty
cents for every such case, on presentation of such account, duly authenti-
cated by an affidavit setting forth that the service was duly performed and
that the parents or guardians are unable to pay for said service; provided,
that in the counties, or in the city of Baltimore, where vaccine physicians
are appointed by the proper authorities to vaccinate all persons who may
apply, the county commissioners of such counties and the mayor and city
council of Baltimore shall be respectively freed from the payment of fees
to other physicians for vaccinating those unable to pay; and the county
commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to make contracts
with and designate such vaccine physicians as they deem necessary.
If the physician performs the services and the parent is unable to pay, the county
commissioners must pay. It is immaterial that the child came at suggestion of
physician. Object of vaccine law. Allegany County v. McClintock, 60 Md. 560;
Worcester County v. Melvin, 89 Md. 42.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 70. 1912, sec. 56. 1904, sec. 43. 1888, sec. 28. 1864, ch. 269, sec. 4.
70. It shall be the duty of every practising physician in this State to
vaccinate all children in the circle of his practice which may be presented
to him for vaccination, within one year after birth, if such child shall be
in proper condition for such service; and he shall vaccinate all other
persons not previously effectually vaccinated who shall request such service
from him. Any physician neglecting or refusing so to do shall, on con-
viction thereof, forfeit and pay for every offense a penalty of five dollars.
See note to sec. 69.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 71. 1912, sec. 57. 1904, sec. 44. 1888, sec. 29. 1864, ch. 269, sec. 5.
1872, ch. 257, sec. 5.
71. Any physician who shall knowingly and wilfully irse any virus
defective in its nature, by having passed through a scrofulous system, from
having been taken from one laboring under any disease of the skin, chronic
sore or other febrile, or other disease, during the progress of the vaccine
disease, or any crust which, during the progress of said vaccine disease,