1806 ARTICLE 43
An. Code, 1924, sec. 62. 1912, sec. 49. 1904, sec. 38. 1888; sec. 23. 1882, ch. 155, sec. 9.
62. The municipal and county authorities may provide for the use
of the inhabitants of their respective city, town or county hospitals or
temporary places for the reception of the sick, and for that purpose may
themselves build such hospitals or places of reception or contract for the
use of any such hospital or part of a hospital or place of reception, or enter
into any agreement with any person having the management of any hospi-
tal for the reception of the sick inhabitants of their city, town or county
on payment of such sum as may be agreed on, or two or more local authori-
ties may combine in providing a common hospital.
This section referred to in upholding use of public funds for erection or maintenance
of hospital controlled by private agency. Finan v. Cumberand, 154 Md. 564.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 63. 1912, sec. 50. 1904, sec. 39. 1888, sec. 24. 1882, ch. 155, sec. 10.
63. Any expenses incurred by the authorities of any city, town or
county ,in maintaining in a hospital, or in a temporary, place for the recep-
tion of the sick, a patient who is not a pauper shall be deemed to be a debt
due from such patient to the authorities aforesaid, and may be recovered
from him at any time within twelve months after the discharge from such
hospital or place of reception, or from his estate, in the event of his dying
in such hospital.
Expense by City under this section is preferred claim over general creditors. (Judge
Dickerson, Baltimore City Court) Baltimore v. Webb, Daily Record, Nov. 15, 1939.
Manufacture and/or Sale of Mattresses, Etc.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 64. 1924, ch. 370. 1927, ch. 202. 1931, ch. 334.
64. (A) The word "mattress" shall mean any quilted pad, mattress,
mattress pad, mattress protector, bunk, quilt or box spring, stuffed or filled
with excelsior, straw, hay, grass, corn husks, moss, fibre, cotton, wool, hair,
jute, kapok or other soft material to be used on a couch or other bed for
sleeping or reclining purposes.
The words "pillow," "bolster," "cushion" or "feather bed" shall mean
any bag, case or covering made of cotton, leather or other textile material,
and stuffed or filled with excelsior, straw, hay, grass, corn-husks, moss,
fibre, cotton, wool, hair, jute, feathers, feather down, kapok or other soft
material, to be used on a bed, hammock, chair, couch, divan, sofa, lounge
or other article of upholstered furniture for sleeping, reclining or resting
The words "upholstered furniture" shall mean any article of furniture
stuffed or filled with excelsior, straw, hay, grass, corn husks, tow, moss,
fibre, cotton, wool, hair, jute, feathers, feather down, kapok or other soft
material to be used for sitting, resting or reclining purposes.
The word "comfortable" shall mean any cover, quilt or quilted article
made of cotton, or other textile material, and stuffed or filled with fibre,
cotton, wool, hair, jute, feathers, feather down, kapok or other soft material.
The word "new," as used in this Section 64, shall mean any material
or article, which has not been previously manufactured or used for any
The word "second-hand" shall mean any material or article of which
prior use has been made.
The word "shoddy" shall mean any material which has been spun into
yarn, knit or woven into fabric, and subsequently cut up, torn up, broken
up, or ground up.