ernor on or before December 1st each year and said report shall contain a
summary of its proceedings during the year, a detailed and itemized state-
ment of all the revenues and expenditures made by or in the behalf of the
Commission, such other information as the Commission may deem neces-
sary or useful and any additional information which may be requested by
the Governor.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 15A. 1935, ch. 316, sec. 15A. 1939, ch. 689, sec. 15A.
16. For the purpose of staggering the terms of office of the members
of the State Aviation Commission, the terms of office of the present mem-
bers of the Commission are hereby extended as follows: The term of one
member, to be designated by the Governor, to April 1, 1937; the term of
a second member, to be designated by the Governor, to April 1, 1938; the
term of a third member, to be designated by the Governor to April 1, 1939;
the term of a fourth member, to be designated by the Governor, to April
1, 1940, and the term of the Chairman, to April 1, 1941. All new ap-
pointments shall be subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the
Senate. After April 1, 1941, one of said members shall be designated by
the Governor to be Chairman of the Commission. In addition to the pres-
ent existing members, a sixth member shall be designated and appointed
by a majority vote of the present existing members who shall act as attor-
ney and counsel for said Commission, the term of office of said member to
expire April 1, 1939. The successor to each member of the Commission
shall be appointed by the Governor for a period of three years, subject to
confirmation by the Senate as aforesaid, except that the successor to the
sixth member selected by the Commission as its attorney and counsel shall
always be chosen by majority vote of the then members of the Commis-
sion, and to serve for a term of three years. Not less than three members
of the above Commission shall be certified pilots or hold Military Pilots'
ratings and have at least five years' actual experience as pilots. One mem-
ber of the Commission shall be Secretary-Treasurer and said Secretary-
Treasurer shall be chosen by a majority vote of the members of the Com-
mission. The said Secretary-Treasurer will maintain the office and rec-
ords of the Commission, in Baltimore, and perform such duties as the
Chairman assigns. He shall be paid for services actually rendered to said
Commission from sums made available in the State Budget or Supple-
mental Appropriation Bill, the amount of said payments to be determined
upon by a majority vote of the members of said Commission, but excluding
the vote of said Secretary-Treasurer. The attorney for said Commission
shall be paid for services actually rendered to said Commission from sums
made available in the State Budget or Supplemental Appropriation Bill,
the amount of said payment to be determined upon by a majority vote
of the members of said Commission, but excluding the vote of said legal
member. The Chairman is authorized to employ the services of one stenog-
rapher whenever in his opinion such services are necessary and to pay said
stenographer for the services actually performed for the Commission, the
amount of said payment to be determined upon by a majority vote of the
members of said Commission.
1939, ch. 689, sec. 15AA.,
17. No airport, landing field, air school, flying club, air beacon or other
air navigation facility shall be used or operated in this State unless such
airport, landing field, air school, flying club, air beacon or other air naviga-