records in the office of the State Aviation Commission a sworn notice of said
lien within thirty days from said injury, setting forth in detail the in-
jury or damage caused. Every such notice of a lien not so recorded shall
be void against subsequent purchasers and mortgagees in good faith, with-
out notice, which lien shall be terminated upon rebuttal of the prima facie
liability by the owner or lessee of the aircraft.
The liability of owner of aircraft under this section must be considered in con-
nection with Sec 4, and has reference to injuries caused where descent of aircraft would
be trespass upon rights of landowner and does not apply to authorized landing of air-
craft at an airport Liability for injuries while landing at airport is to be determined
in accordance with common law principles affecting responsibility for negligence.
State v Sammon, 171 Md 178
An Code, 1924, sec 6 1927, ch 637, sec 6
6. (Collision of Aircraft. ) The liability of the owner of one aircraft
to the owner of another aircraft, or to aeronauts or passengers on either
aircraft, for damage caused by collision on land or in the air, shall be
determined by the rules of law applicable to torts on land.
An Code, 1924, sec 7 1927, ch 637, sec 7
7. (Jurisdiction Over Crimes and Torts. ) All crimes, torts and other
wrongs committed by or against an aeronaut or passenger while in flight
over this State shall be governed by the laws of this State; and the question
whether damage occasioned by or to an aircraft while in flight over this
State constitutes a tort, crime or other wrong by or against the owner of
such aircraft, shall be determined by the Laws of this State.
An Code, 1924, sec 8 1927, ch 637, sec 8.
8. (Jurisdiction Over Contracts. ) All contractual and other legal rela-
tions entered into by aeronauts or passengers while in flight over this
State have the same effect as if entered into on the land or water beneath.
An Code, 1924, sec 9 1927, ch 637, sec 9.
9. (Dangerous Flying a Misdemeanor. ) Any aeronaut or passenger
who, while in flight over a thickly inhabited area or over a public gather-
ing within this State, shall engage in trick or acrobatic flying, or in any
acrobatic feat, or shall, except while in landing or taking off, fly at such
a low level as to endanger the persons on the surface beneath, or drop
any object except loose water or loose sand ballast, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand
dollars ($1, 000. 00), or imprisonment for not more than six months, or
Cited in State v Koehler (Judge Frank, Criminal Court of Baltimore), Daily Record,
Apr 19, 1939
An Code, 1924, sec 10 1927, ch 637, sec 10.
10. (Hunting from Aircraft a Misdemeanor. ) Any aeronaut or pas-
senger who, while in flight within this State, shall intentionally kill or
attempt to kill any birds or animals shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00),
or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.