1662 ARTICLE 39
1937, ch. 381.
57. (Wicomico River.) It shall be unlawful for any person to use
nets of any description for the purpose of catching or taking fish of any
species in the Wicomico River proper, in Charles County, above Wood-
land Point House in Charles County.
Sizes of Commercial Fish.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 50. 1933, ch. 263.
58. No person shall catch or in any manner take or kill, sell, offer to
buy or sell or expose for sale, or have in possession any bass, large or small
mouth, less than 10 inches; any catfish less than 7 inches; any perch,
white or yellow, less than 7 inches; any pike less than 14 inches; any
rock otherwise known as striped bass, less than 11 inches in length or
weighing more than 15 pounds; any sturgeon weighing less than 20
pounds; any taylor less than 8 inches; measurement in the case of each
fish shall be from the tip of the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail.
Shad and Herring Season.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 51. 1931, ch. 30.
59. The season for catching shad and herring in the waters of this
State shall be as follows:
(a) In Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, below Poole's Island, except
in Potomac River, February 1st to May 31st, both dates inclusive.
(b) In Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, above Poole's Island, March
15th to June 10th, both dates inclusive.
(c) In Chincoteague and Sinepuxent Bays and their tributaries, March
1st to May 31st, both dates inclusive.
(d) In Potomac River, March 1st to May 31st, both dates inclusive.
(e) Provided that in any river, creek, cove or inlet where the Con-
servation Department is engaged in collecting spawn for hatching pur-
poses, the Conservation Commission is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to make such rules and regulations during the last ten days of the
season as it may adopt for the better protection of fish and the collection
of spawn for said hatching purposes; provided such rules and regulations
shall not shorten the season.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 52.
60. Any person desiring to engage in the business of taking or catch-
ing fish for commercial purposes by the use of any nets mentioned in this
Article within the waters of the State of Maryland, shall first obtain by
application to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county wherein he
may reside, or the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City,
a license therefor, and such license shall have effect from the 1st day of
January to the 31st day of December, inclusive, in the year in which it
may have been obtained; and provided further that such license shall not
authorize the taking or catching of fish except as provided for in this