1929, ch. 471, sec. 26. 1931, ch. 442, sec. 25.
28. (Method of Fishing.) It shall not be lawful to take or catch fish f or
commercial purposes in the tidal waters of this State by the use of a drag
net or drag seine, hauled by boat, beam trawl, trammel net or troll net, or
any similar destructive device.
It shall also be unlawful to catch fish for any purpose by means of a
gig or gig iron.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 27. 1931, ch. 499.
29. (Regulation of Nets and Seines.) Unless otherwise provided, it
shall be unlawful to set, place, construct or use any net of any description
except floating gill nets or haul seines, in the waters of this State at a
distance greater than one-third the distance across the waters of any bay,
sound, river, creek, cove or inlet where such net may be set or used; nor
shall any pound or stake nets be closer to another than 400 yards in a
parallel line. Nor shall any single line of fish net stakes, including the
pound or head and leader or hedging have a length greater than 1,000
feet and between successive pounds or gill nets in the same row, clear
and unobstructed intervals of at least 200 feet shall be maintained; nor
shall any stake project out of the water less than two feet above the
surface of the water at all stations of the tide. The outer end of each
pound net shall be plainly marked by a brush or other suitable day
marker, readily discernible to indicate the opening between nets. The
name of the owner and the license number of each pound net shall be
displayed in black letters not less than two inches in height upon a white
background on a stake at the outer end of the pound, at such height and
in such position that it may be readily seen from adjacent navigable
channels; nor to set, place or construct any pound nets or other stake nets
in or upon the waters covering leased oyster ground without the permission
of the lessee of such ground; nor to haul seine in the waters covering
leased oyster ground when stakes or other markers as required by law are
placed to designate the location of such leased ground, except by permission
of the lessee.1
1929, ch. 471, sec. 28. 1931, ch. 175.
30. On and after November 1, 1931, it shall not be lawful for any
person, at any time, to fish with a purse net or buck net in any of the
waters of the State of Maryland.2
Further Regulations in County Waters.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 29. 1939, chs. 455 and 677.
31. (Anne Arundel.) (a) Pound nets or other similar devices are
prohibited at all times in the waters of South River, or in any creek, cove
or inlet thereof above Saunders Point on the south side and Marsh Point
on the north.
(b) All nets except gill nets and haul seines are prohibited in any creek,
cove, tributary or inlet of South River.
1 Sec. 2 of ch. 499 of acts of 1931 repealed all laws inconsistent therewith to extent
of inconsistency.
2 Sec. 2 of ch. 175 of acts of 1931 repealed laws inconsistent therewith to extent
of inconsistency.