1646 ARTICLE 39
all waters of this State where the tide ebbs and flows; and the term
"Non-tidal Waters" shall embrace all waters above a point where the
tide ebbs and flows.
The word "Person" shall include Corporation, Partnership and Joint
The term "Game and Fresh Water Fish" shall include all fishes found
in all waters above a point where the tide ebbs and flows.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 2.
2. (Application of General and Local Laws.) All local and general laws
of this State fixing or regulating minimum and maximum sizes of fish,
crabs or clams, or regulating or prohibiting the sale of fish, crabs or
clams, respectively, shall apply whether the same be caught in the waters
of the State of Maryland or in the. waters of any other State, Country or
Territory and brought into this State, and the fines and penalties pre-
scribed for violation of said laws respectively shall apply to the same
1929, ch. 471, sec. 3.
3. :(Duties of Conservation Commission.) In addition to any other
duties embraced in this Article or Article 19A, it shall be the duty of the
Conservation Commission1 to inspect all the waters of this State with a
view to stocking same with such food fish as in its judgment shall be most
advantageous. The Conservation Commission is also authorized and em-
powered to erect and maintain suitable fish hatcheries, ponds, and rearing
stations for propagation purposes and for stocking the streams with fresh
water fish, and to maintain such hatcheries on the waters of the Chesapeake
Bay and its tributaries for the purposes of propagation of salt water or
anadromous fish, such hatcheries to be maintained out of any funds under
the control of the Conservation Department.
As to the Conservation Commission, see art. 19A.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 4.
4. (Duties of Officers of the Conservation Department.) It shall be the
duty of the Conservation Commission and its Deputy Commanders and
Inspectors and of the State Game Warden and his Deputies to see that the
provisions of this Article are not violated, to arrest all persons found vio-
lating any of the provisions of said Article and to take the said offender or
offenders to the nearest or most accessible justice of the peace qualified to
try same, to be dealt with according to law, and to seize any and all fish,
crabs and clams that may be caught, sold, offered for sale or are being held
in possession in violation of any of the provisions of this Article, to be dis-
posed of. at the discretion of the Conservation Commission to the best
interests of the State; and all boats, seines, nets or other fishing outfit used
or set for the purpose of using to violate this Article shall be seized and
dealt with as hereinafter provided.
1935, ch. 394, sec. 4A.
5. The Conservation Commission is hereby directed to make a
thorough survey of the Youghiogheny River and its tributaries for the
purpose of determining the amount of pollution in such streams, with a
1 Ch. 523, acts of 1935, created Conservation Commission in place of Commissioner.