(g) The ballot may be marked and mailed any time after you receive
it; provided it be marked on or before election day, and mailed in time to
arrive at its destination not more than 7 days after election day. If not
there by such time, it will not be counted.
To the above directions should be added all such further directions as
the Supervisors of Elections shall deem necessary in order to properly
inform the voter of the correct manner to mark and fold the ballot and to
comply with the provisions of this sub-title.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 230. 1912, sec. 224. 1918, ch. 78, sec. 224.
309. The Supervisors of Elections of the Counties and of Baltimore
City shall have the ballots printed for each election as soon as possible
after they have received the certificates of nominations or candidates for
nominations in compliance with the election laws. The Supervisors of
Elections shall also have the envelopes and cards of instructions printed in
time to be sent out with the ballots, and shall begin mailing ballots to ap-
plicants immediately after the ballots, envelopes and cards of instructions
have been printed.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 231. 1912, sec. 225. 1918, ch. 78, sec. 225.
310. The Secretary of State shall open all return envelopes delivered
to him not more than seven days after the date of the election day written
thereon, shall withdraw therefrom the ballot envelopes and shall transmit
such ballot envelopes unopened, unmarked and unchanged in any way in
packages sealed by him to the respective Supervisors of Elections from
whom the return envelopes shall appear to have been sent to the absent
voter whose name appears upon the ballot envelope. All envelopes re-
ceived by the Secretary of State more than seven days after the date of
any election shall be preserved by him for 60 days, and then destroyed
unless ordered to be longer kept by some court having competent
An. Code, 1924, sec. 232. 1912, sec. 226. 1918, ch. 78, sec. 226.
311. On the tenth day after each election not counting the date of said
election, the Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City and of the several
counties shall meet at the hour of 12 o'clock noon at the usual place for
holding the Circuit Court for the county or in Baltimore City at the usual
place for holding the Superior Court, and shall there count, certify and
canvass the ballots contained in the ballot envelopes received by them up
to such time from the Secretary of State as hereinbefore provided, and
for the purposes of said count, certification and canvass said Supervisors
of Elections shall act as and be judges of election for counting said bal-
lots. If said supervisors or a majority of them are satisfied that the pro-
visions for filling out and signing the certificates on the outside of the
ballot envelope have been substantially complied with, and that the person
signing the voter's certificate is a duly qualified voter and entitled to vote
under this sub-title in any precinct or election district of their respective
county or city and has not already voted there in person on election day,
they shall open the ballot envelope and remove the ballot therefrom and
place it in a ballot box or ballot boxes prepared for that purpose. When
any ballot envelope is opened the Supervisors of Elections shall enter in
the appropriate register the fact that the voter whose name appears thereon
has voted, and such entry shall be the initials "V. M." to indicate that