is absent in the military or naval service of the United States, or the State of
Maryland, from the ward or election district in which he is entitled to vote,
on the day such election is held, and whose absence is directly attributable
to the state of war or other circumstances causing the issuance of the proc-
lamation aforesaid, may vote as hereinafter provided.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 228. 1912, sec. 222. 1918, ch. 78, sec. 222.
307. At any time not more than 45 days before the holding of any elec-
tion, any such person who expects to be absent on election day may make
application in writing to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the
County, or Baltimore City, in which he resides, for a ballot. Such appli-
cation must be received by the Supervisors of Elections not less than seven
days before the holding of any election, and shall contain the full name and
the place of residence, by street and number, if possible, from which the
applicant is registered, and the address to which the ballot is to be mailed
to him. The application shall also state the position or rank in the military
or naval service which the applicant holds. Upon receipt of such application
it shall be the duty of the respective Boards of Supervisors of Elections
to enter the fact that such application has been made, together with any
other proper information, in a book to be kept especially for that purpose.
The Supervisors of Elections shall verify from the registration and other
books and records in their custody, and from any other information obtain-
able, the statements contained in the applications and the applicants' quali-
fications to vote under this sub-title. The Supervisors shall mail ballots to
those found so qualified to vote and shall enter that fact in the special book
hereinbefore provided for.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 229. 1912, sec. 223, 1918, ch. 78, sec. 223.
308. The Supervisors of Elections of the counties and Baltimore City
shall mail to each applicant found to be a duly qualified voter as aforesaid
one ballot, two envelopes and a card of instructions. The applicant's name
shall be written in ink by the Supervisors of Elections upon the coupon
attached to the ballot, and in the case of primary elections the ballot sent
shall be that of the political party with which such applicant is affiliated.
The Supervisors of Elections shall have a sufficient number of ballots to be
sent by mail printed for each county and the City of Baltimore. The words
"Mail Ballot" shall be printed in large letters, in a clear space at the top
of each of such ballots. The designation of the polling place shall be left
blank on the back and outside of "Mail Ballots," and shall be filled in by
the Supervisors of Elections before being sent to any voter. One envelope
shall be known as the "Return Envelope" and shall be sufficiently larger
than the "Ballot Envelope," hereinafter described, to conveniently enclose
and contain the "Ballot Envelope." There shall be printed or written
across the left-hand face of the "Return Envelope" the words, "Return
Envelope for election of ———," the blank space being filled in with the
date of said election, after which shall be added the words "Supervisors of
Elections of Baltimore City" or "Supervisors of Elections of ———
County" as the case may be.
The Supervisors of Elections shall also, before sending the "Return
Envelope" to the voter, cause it to be addressed to the Secretary of State,
Annapolis, Maryland.