it shall be the duty of the judge, designated beforehand by the Supervisors,
to take charge of the ballot box, as provided in Section 121 of this Article,
or of the judges of election of any precinct of Baltimore City in which vot-
ing machines shall be used, to immediately send to the Supervsiors there-
for, and to obtain the same as soon as practicable, in order that the election
may be duly held, the cost hereby incurred to be paid by the county com-
missioners or the Mayor and City Council as the case may be as a part of
the election expenses. For failure or neglect on the part of the Super-
visors of Elections, the Police Commissioner or any person employed by
them respectively in the discharge of the duties required of them by
this section, or said judges, or any person employed by them to perform
the duties imposed upon them respectively by this section, they shall re-
spectively be subject to indictment for a misdemeanor, and upon convic-
tion therefor shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by Section 140
of this Article.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 68. 1912, sec. 62. 1904, sec. 60. 1896, ch. 202, sec. 55. 1937,
ch. 95, sec. 68.
104. The judges of elections and each of them, shall have authority
to keep the peace and to cause any person to be arrested for any breach
of the peace, or for any breach of the election laws, or any interference
with the progress of an election, or of the canvass of the ballots or the
ascertainment and transcription of the votes recorded on the voting ma-
chines ; and it shall be the duty of all officers of the law present to obey
the order of any judge of election, and an officer making an arrest by the
direction of any judge shall be protected in so doing as fully as if a war-
rant had been issued to him to make such arrest.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 69. 1912, sec. 63. 1904, sec. 61. 1896, ch. 202, sec. 56. 1920,
(Special Session), ch. 1, sec. 63. 1922, ch. 305. 1924, ch. 594. 1935, chs. 105
and 140. 1937, ch. 95, sec. 69. 1939, ch. 321, sec. 69.
105. The polling places shall be opened by the judges of election at 6
o'clock A. M. in the City of Baltimore, and shall be kept open until 6
o'clock P. M. of the same day, at which time the polls shall be closed, and
in the counties the polling places shall be opened at 7 A. M. and shall be
kept open until 7 P. M., at which time the polls shall be closed; except
that in Garrett, Washington, Carroll, Montgomery and Delmar District
of Wicomico, the polling places shall be open at 6 o'clock A. M., and in
Talbot County and Dorchester County the polling places shall not be
open until 8 A. M. If any judge or clerk shall not be present at the ex-
piration of fifteen minutes after the time for the opening of the polls the
judge or judges present shall fill the place of the absent judge or clerk by
appointing in his stead a person of the same political party as the absentee.
One of the judges shall administer to such substitute the oath required of
the judge or clerk originally appointed. After the opening of the polls no
judge or clerk shall absent himself therefrom until all the ballots cast shall
have been counted and the returns completed. If in case of absolute neces-
sity, any judge or clerk in attendance shall be compelled to absent himself,
- he shall appoint some fit person of the same political party with himself to
act in his stead until his return, having first administered to such sub-
stitute the same oath as he himself has taken. Blank forms for the appoint-
ment of the substitute judges and clerks and the oath aforesaid shall be sup-
plied by the Supervisors, and the oath when administered shall be pre-