County, contained within said lines, and also a majority of the legal votes
cast within that part of Somerset County, contained within said lines, shall
be in favor of a new County, then said parts of Worcester and Somerset
Counties shall become and constitute a new County, to be called Wicomico
County; and Salisbury shall be the County seat. And the inhabitants
thereof shall henceforth have and enjoy all such rights and privileges as
are held and enjoyed by the inhabitants of the other Counties of this State.
Wicomico county (formed by the union of parts of Worcester and Somerset counties
as authorized by this section) held not to be entitled to any portion of the school
fund belonging at the time of such union to Worcester county. School Commissioners v.
School Commissioners, 35 Md. 206.
Sec. 3. When said new County shall have been so created, the inhabitants
thereof shall cease to have any claim to, or interest in, the county build-
ings and other public property of every description belonging to said
Counties of Somerset and Worcester, respectively, and shall be liable for
their proportionate shares of the then existing debts and obligations of the
said Counties, according to the last assessment in said Counties, to be ascer-
tained and apportioned by the Circuit Court of Somerset County, as to the
debts and obligations of said County, and by the Circuit Court of Wor-
cester County as to the debts and obligations of Worcester County, on the
petition of the County Commissioners of the said Counties, respectively;
and the property in each part of the said Counties included in said new
County shall be bound only for the share of the debts and obligations of the
County from which it shall be separated; and the inhabitants of said new
County shall also pay the County taxes levied upon them at the time of the
creation of such new County, as if such new County had not been created;
and on the application of twelve citizens of the proposed County of Wicom-
ico, the Surveyor of Worcester County shall run and locate the line from
Meadow Bridge to the Potomac River, previous to the adoption or rejec-
tion of this Constitution, and at the expense of said petitioners.
Sec. 4. At the first general election held under this Constitution the
qualified voters of said new County shall be entitled to elect a Senator and
two Delegates to the General Assembly, and all such County or other officers
as this Constitution may authorize, or require to be elected by other Coun-
ties of the State; a notice of such election shall be given by the sheriffs of
Worcester and Somerset Counties in the manner now prescribed by Law;
and in case said new County shall be established, as aforesaid, then the
Counties of Somerset and Worcester shall be entitled to elect but two Dele-
gates each to the General Assembly.
Sec. 5. The County of Wicomico, if formed according to the provisions
of this Constitution, shall be embraced in the First Judicial Circuit, and
the times for holding the Courts therein shall be fixed and determined by
the General Assembly.
Sec. 6. The General Assembly shall pass all such Laws as may be neces-
sary more fully to carry into effect the provisions of this Article.
Section 1. The General Assembly may propose Amendments to this
Constitution; provided that each Amendment shall be embraced in a
separate Bill, embodying the Article or Section, as the same will stand
when amended and passed by three-fifths of all the members elected to each