Chapter 2. Formation o! Boards.
5. State board; appointment; term;
removal; vacancies.
6. County boards; appointment; term;
removal; vacancies.
Chapter 3A. State Superintendent of
36. Biennial school census; physically
handicapped children.
Chapter 4. County Board of Education.
41. Property transferred or conveyed to.
47. Condemnation of land for school
55. Census; physically handicapped
56. School budget; county school
59A. Washington County; annual re-
59B-59C. Members and school superin-
tendent not to he interested in
contracts; when advertisements
for bids required.
Chapter 5. District School Trustees.
60. Meetings; secretary; assignment of
teachers; dismissal of pupils or
closing of schools.
68. Use of school buildings by certain
Chapter 7. Schools.
81. Terms; vacation; holidays.
Chapter 8. Teachers' Certificates
and Salaries.
90. Salaries of teachers and principals.
Teachers' Retirement System.
92. Definitions.
93. Name and date of establishment.
94. Membership.
95. Creditable service.
96. Benefits; service retirement; dis-
ability retirement; re-examina-
tion of beneficiaries; death bene-
fit; return of accumulated con-
tributions; optional allowances.
97. Administration; board of trustees;
legal adviser; medical board;
98. Management of funds.
99. Method of finance; annuity savings
fund; annuity reserve fund; an-
nuity accumulation fund; pen-
sion reserve fund; expense ?
fund; state contributions.
100. Teachers retired under Ch. 447,
101. Guaranty.
102. Assignments prohibited.
103. Protection against fraud.
104. Limitation on membership.
105, Constitutionality; inconsistent laws
106-113. Repealed.
Chapter 4A. County Superintendent
of Schools.
134. Appointment; term; salary; re-
moval; vacancy.
145. Assistants; removal; supervisors;
attendance officers; clerks.
Chapter 12. State Normal Schools.
155. Courses of study.
156. Repealed.
157. Pees and tuition charges.
Chapter 13. Teachers' Institutes.
163. Repealed.
Chapter 15. Public Libraries.
172. Repealed.