592 ARTICLE 43.
than one section or compartment, the volume of milk from which the
sample is taken. Each sample shall be held in an air-tight bottle, such
bottle being plainly labeled showing the name or number of the person
whose milk or cream the sample represents.
When fresh samples are used a representative sample shall be taken
from at least three daily deliveries per month of the several lots of milk
or cream delivered each person such samples shall be taken at scattered
periods throughout the month and the specific days for sampling shall be
left to the discretion of the sampler. Said fresh samples shall be tested
within a period of twenty-four hours' and their residues shall be held
intact, properly refrigerated, and in condition suitable to test on the prem-
ises where they are tested for a further period of not less than forty-eight
hours in order to make possible a check test Every person, firm, or
corporation affected by the provisions of this sub-title shall within seven
days after the close of the monthly testing period during which the tests
herein provided for have been made, notify the seller of such milk or
cream or his agent, in writing or by individual printed statement, of the
average of these several tests, stating the period of time during which said
samples were taken.
When composite samples are used a representative sample shall be taken
from the entire daily delivery of each of the several lots of milk or cream
delivered by each person and shall cover a period of not more than sixteen
days. The composite sample to which a suitable preservative has been
added shall be made up of aliquot parts taken from each of the several
lots of milk or cream bought from each person concerned, and composite
samples of all persons concerned shall cover the same period of time. The
rack or container where the samples are held shall be plainly labeled show-
ing the date of the first and last day of the period covered by the said
composite samples. After composite samples have been tested their residue
shall be held intact and in condition suitable to test on the premises where
they are tested for a further period of not less than ten days in order to
make possible a check test. Every person, firm, or corporation affected by
the provisions of this sub-title shall, within two days after the day on
which the test herein provided for has been made to notify the seller of
such milk or cream or his agent, in writing or by individual printed state-
ment of the result of such test, stating the period of time during which said
composite samples were taken.
The University of Maryland College of Agriculture may require that
the composite samples be tested on the premises where they are taken
whenever, in his judgment such action is for the public welfare.
1935, ch. 406, sec. 401.
441. No percentage of fat ascertained from a sample containing milk
or cream that has been so treated as to cause it to test lower or higher than
the test of the milk or cream from which it was taken shall be used as a
basis of payment for milk or cream purchased or sold.