buying from dealers already holding a permit, or to hotels, restaurants,
boarding houses, railroad dining cars, retail stores, or drug stores. The
permit shall be issued by the University of Maryland, College of Agri-
culture to such creamery, shipping station, milk factory, cheese factory,
ice cream factory, or milk condensary, or person after filing of such
information as may be required by the University of Maryland, College
of Agriculture and upon the payment of the fees as follows: (a) for pur-
chasing or handling not exceeding an equivalent of two thousand (2000)
pounds of milk daily, an annual fee of $5; (b) for purchasing or hand-
ling more than the equivalent of two thousand (2000) pounds but not
exceeding forty thousand (40, 000) pounds of milk daily, an annual fee
of $10; and (c) for purchasing or handling the equivalent of more than
forty thousand (40, 000) pounds of milk daily, an annual fee of $25.
All moneys so collected shall be used to meet the expenses of the agency
enforcing this sub-title. The permit shall be valid for a term of one
calendar year and may be revoked by the University of Maryland College
of Agriculture for any violation of provisions of this sub-title. This
permit issued hereunder shall be posted in plain view in the station for
which it was issued.
1935, ch 406, sec. 396.
436. It shall be unlawful for any person, association, copartnership,
or corporation, their agents or servants engaged in the business of buying
milk or cream on the basis of or in any manner with reference to the
amount or percentage of butterfat contained therein, to take, collect or
use for testing purposes an unfair or inaccurate sample, to under-read,
over-read or erroneously manipulate the test commonly known as the
"Babcock Test" used for determining the percentage of such fat in said
milk or cream, or to falsify the record thereof, or to make the "Babcock",
reading except when the fat has a temperature of one hundred thirty-five
degrees to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit, or to use for such test any
glass-ware not complying with the United States Bureau of Standards
specifications (May, 1923), or quantities other than nine (9) grams or
eighteen (18) grams in the case of cream. In all tests of cream, the
cream shall be weighed and not measured into the test bottle, and the
tests shall be read with the aid of an approved meniscus remover.
1935, ch. 406. sec. 397.
437. No person, association, copartnership, or corporation purchasing
milk or cream and paying for the same on the basis of the percentage of
butterfat contained therein shall, if the percentage of butterfat is ascer-
tained by the said "Babcock Test", use any test glassware except standard
Babcock Test glassware and weights which have been previously inspected,
tested and approved by the University of Maryland Collage of Agricul-
ture or its agents. If the proportion of butterfat is determined by any
approved volumetric method other than the "Babcock Test" no utensil or
instrument shall be used in such determination until the same has been