Stale Board of Health.
1A. Dentist added to hoard.
6. Repealed.
8. Each county a sanitary district;
deputy state health, officers.
13. Repealed.
15A. Physically handicapped children
to be visited; classification and
State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
27. Certified copies evidence; fees; ex-
32. Repealed.
Miscellaneous Provisions.
33. Repealed.
44. Repealed.
46. County health officers.
51. County health officers; Qualifica-
tions, duties, etc.
Manufacture and/or Sale of Mattresses,
64. Mattresses, beds, etc.
95A. Regulations to protect persons
from infection; proviso.
Adulteration of Food and Drink.
179 Repealed.
188. Repealed.
192. When drugs, etc., are misbranded.
194. Standard of quality, etc., of drugs,
etc.; ice cream.
194A. Ice sherbets, etc — Sale in con-
tainers, etc.
196. Duties and powers of Board of
198. Repealed.
Food Products.
206A-206D. Cannery licenses; revoca-
tion; penalty.
207A-207G. Sale, possession, etc., of in-
edible eggs.
Commissioners of Pharmacy.
228. Who may conduct pharmacy.
229. What is a pharmacy?
229A-229B. U. S. Pharmocopoeia to be
kept on file; other equipment.
229C. Sanitary requirements.
229D. Prescription book.
229E. Inspection by Department of
229P. Constitutionality.
234. Qualifications of pharmacists and
assistant pharmacists; exam-
239A-239C. Permits for pharmacies,
manufacturers, distributors,
etc.; packing of articles, etc.
240. Merchants may sell certain drugs.
240A. Medicine or patent medicine
243. Repealed.
Poison Law.
241A-241J. Poison; definition; require-
ments for sale; delivery, etc.
Barbital and Other Hypnotic Drugs.
241K. Sale on prescription only.
241L. Manufacture; labeling of contain-
241M. Definitions.
241N. Constitutionality.
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis in Horses —
244. Repealed.