514 ARTICLE 41.
thousand ($5, 000. 00) dollars per annum, payable monthly, and he shall
appoint such assistants and at such salaries as he may deem necessary,
subject to the approval of the Governor, within the amount appropriated
in the State Budget. He shall maintain an office in the City of Balti-
more, open daily, except Sundays and legal holidays.
Any person, in order to be eligible to appointment as State Engineer,
must have had at least ten years of practical experience in the designing
and erection of buildings of all kinds and must have such knowledge of
the mechanical equipment therein as will enable him to determine the
efficiency of all installations thereof therein.
1935, ch. 555, sec. 129.
129. There shall be appointed for two years by the Governor, a Senior
Assistant State Engineer and he shall be an electrical engineer who has
had at least ten years of practical experience in his profession and who
has a knowledge of building construction and design sufficient to enable
him to assume the duties of the State Engineer in his absence. He shall
receive a salary of three thousand ($3, 000. 00) dollars per annum, payable
monthly, and his term of office shall begin simultaneously with that of the
State Engineer. He shall be subject to removal by the Governor, for
official misconduct or incompetency, and shall hold office until his successor
is appointed and qualified. He shall devote all his time to the duties of
his office and shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by the
State Engineer.
1935, ch. 555, sec. 130.
130. There shall be appointed by the Governor a Junior Assistant
State Engineer. He shall be a sanitary engineer who has had at least ten
years of practical experience in his profession and who shall be able to
design plumbing fixtures and to supervise the installation of all classes
thereof. He shall receive a salary of two thousand five hundred ($2, -
500. 00) dollars per annum, payable monthly, and shall perform such
duties as shall be assigned to him from time to time by the State Engi-
neer. In all other respects the provisions of Section 129 shall apply to
him and his office.
1935, ch. 555, sec. 131.
131. It shall be the duty of said Department of Mechanical Engineer-
ing to make, in each fiscal year, a complete survey of all physical prop-
erties of the State such as conditions of the mechanical equipment and
repairs necessary, and to make, at the end of each fiscal year, a written
report of its activities, including said survey during the preceding fiscal
year. The report shall contain a list in detail of all such mechanical
properties of the State, shall indicate changes therein made during said
period, as well as all additions to, or diminutions of, the same, and shall
contain an accurate statement of the condition thereof. It shall also be
the duty of said Department to supervise the operation and maintenance
of all mechanical equipment inside and outside of all state buildings,
including the heating, plumbing, lighting, ventilating, water supply and
sewerage disposal.