122 ARTICLE 11.
. and he shall draw, on proper orders, from the State Treasury, the
amounts necessary for the salaries and other expenses of his office. 1
17. Repealed by ch. 512 of the Acts of 1929.
Banking Board.
1933. ch. 489.
19A. There is hereby created and established a Banking Board which
. shall consist of three members to be appointed by the Governor. One
member of said Board shall b© a representative of the Baltimore Clear-
ing House, one a representative of the Associated Mutual Savings Banks
of Baltimore and one a representative of the Maryland State Bankers'
Association. Each of these organizations shall submit the names of
three men qualified for the responsibility imposed upon them by this
section and the Governor shall select one name from each of said lists
to serve on said Board.
One member of such Board shall be designated by the Governor to serve
until June 1st, 1937, one member until June 1st, 1939 and one member
until June 1st, 1941, and after said several dates each member appointed
shall serve for a term of six years or until his successor has been ap-
pointed and qualified. In case of vacancy in the Board for any reason,
the Governor shall appoint a member for the remainder of the unexpired
term. The members of the Banking Board shall receive no salary for
their services as such, but their expenses incurred in attending meetings
shall be paid out of the State Treasury on certificate of the Bank Commis-
sioner and upon warrants of the Comptroller2 The Comptroller shall be a
member of said Board ex-officio.
Said Banking Board shall be subject to the call of the Bank Com-
missioner, to confer and consult with the Bank Commissioner in any
matter concerning the business of banking or banking institutions in the
State of Maryland upon which the Bank Commissioner requests their
advice and counsel. The Board's functions shall be purely advisory, to
assist the Bank Commissioner with sound and impartial guidance as addi-
tional protection in maintaining the business of banking and banking
i Sec. 2 of ch. 493, acts of 1935. rends as follows: "For the period from June 1st.
1935. to September 30th, 1937. from the amounts paid to the State Treasurer result-
ing from the increased examination and other fees as provided for in this section.
the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25. 00000) shall be allocated to the use of
the State Bank Commissioner for the payment of such increases in salaries, includ-
ing the increases in salary of the Bank Commissioner and Deputy Bank Com-
missioner, as authorized by Acts of the General Assembly of 1935, and the
salaries of such additional employees and operating expenses as in his opinion the
public business in his charge may require; and the said State Bank Commissioner
shall draw, on proper orders, from the State Treasury, the amounts necessary for
the payment of such increases in salaries, salaries of additional employees and
other operating expenses as are heretofore provided for in this section. Thereafter,
said increased salaries, the salaries of additional employees and other operating ex-
penses shall be provided for in the Budget. "
- Period omitted in act