however, that no lease shall be made for a period of more than twenty
years from the date when it is made.
(m) To issue negotiable bonds, notes and other evidences of indebted-
ness and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof, subject, however,
to the limitations herein set forth.
(n) To enter on any lands, waters and premises for the purpose of
making surveys, soundings and examinations.
(o) To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers
given in this sub-title.
1935, ch. 330, sec. 78.
88. All moneys of the Authority, from whatever source derived, shall
be kept in the custody of the Treasurer of the Authority and deposited in
such banks or trust companies as the Authority may select. The Treasurer
shall give a corporate surety bond to the Authority in such amount as
the Authority may in its discretion determine. Said moneys shall be paid
out on check of the Treasurer, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board
or such other person or persons as the Board may authorize. All deposits
of such moneys shall, if required by the Board, be secured by obligations
of the United States or of the State of Maryland of a market value equal
at all times to the amount of the deposit, or in lieu of any such pledge of
such securities, by a surety bond or bonds which shall be in form, suffi-
ciency and substance satisfactory to the Authority, and all banks and trust
companies are authorized to give such security for such deposits. The
State Comptroller and his legally authorized representatives are hereby
authorized and empowered from time to time to examine the accounts and
books of the Authority, including its receipts, disbursements, contracts,
leases, sinking funds, investments and any other matters relating to its
financial standing.
1985, ch. 330. sec. 79.
89. The Authority is hereby authorized and empowered to create a
debt for, or borrow, from time to time, from any person, firm or corpora-
tion, including the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works,
or any other Federal Agency, sums not to exceed in aggregate principal
amount Eleven Million, Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars
($11, 720, 000) for the purposes hereinafter set forth. The Authority is
also authorized to borrow temporarily, from time to time, such addi-
tional sums of money as in the discretion of the. Board may be required
for the proper operation of the projects.
1935. ch. 330, sec. 80.
90. The Authority shall have power and is hereby authorized, from
time to time, to issue its negotiable bonds, notes and other evidences of
indebtedness, such bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness to be
authorized by resolution of the Board, to bear such date or dates, mature
at such time or times as hereinafter limited, to bear interest at such rate