1158 ARTICLE 89B.
1933. ch. 425, sec. 7A.
7A. The "One and One-half Cent Lateral, County and Municipal Road
Gasoline Tax Fund, " created by Section 212B of Article 56, of the 1929
Supplement of Bagby's Annotated Code of Maryland, shall be disbursed
by the State Treasurer monthly (less such sum to be retained by the Comp-
troller, as in the judgment of the Comptroller, shall be sufficient to enable
him to pay promptly all claims for refunds), as follows: three-tenths
thereof, less refund exemptions provided by Section 212C of said Article
56, to be credited to the account of the State Roads Commission of Mary-
land, and to be paid by the State Roads Commission to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore in quarterly installments for use by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore for any purpose in connection with the con-
struction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair, or any improvement or
service connected therewith, of the street and highway system of the City
of Baltimore, or any debt service, that is to say, interest, sinking fund or
maturity requirements with respect to bonds or other evidences of debt
issued by the City of Baltimore for the construction, reconstruction, main-
tenance, or repair of streets and highways in the City of Baltimore, or any
improvement or service incidental thereto. The balance shall be credited
to the account of the State Roads Commission of Maryland, to be paid out
of the Treasury of the State, only upon the warrant of the Comptroller,
and shall be allocated by the State Roads Commission of Maryland to the
counties of the State, in the proportion which the public road mileage of
the several counties bears to the entire public road mileage in the counties
of the State, for the following uses and purposes:
(a) For the construction of Lateral Roads as a part of the State Roads
system. The State Roads Commission is hereby authorized and directed
to ask for bids and enter into contracts in the usual form for the construc-
tion of such Lateral Roads as the said Commission, after receiving recom-
mendations from the County Commissioners or proper road authorities of
the several counties, may from time to time, under the provisions hereof,
determine to construct, said contracts to be made in the name of the State
Roads Commission, and to contain and be subject to the same provisions
now required by law for contracts for the construction of public roads.
The term "Lateral Roads, " as used herein shall include bridges, and
authority is hereby given to the State Roads Commission to build such
bridges as it may decide to be a proper part of the Lateral Roads System;
such bridges to be charged against the counties in which same are located,
in the same manner as are Lateral Roads.
(b) For the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of county
roads or the streets of incorporated towns, municipalities or special taxing
areas located in the respective counties of the State, and in connection
therewith to build and/or maintain any bridges on such roads or streets.
(c) For debt service, that is to say, interest, sinking fund or maturity
requirements with respect to bonds or other evidences of debt issued by
the several counties, municipalities, or special taxing areas, the proceeds
of which have been used for road or street improvement, provided such