ORDINARY TAXES (Secs. 5-89).
What Shall Be Taxed and Where
(Secs. 5-9).
5. In general.
6. In general.
(1) Real properties.
(2) Tangible personal properties.
(3) Interest-bearing bonds, etc., of
(4) Mortgages on property outside
(5) Dividend-paying shares in for-
eign corporations.
(6) Shares of stock in national
banks situated in this State.
(7) Shares of stock in domestic
corporations other than or-
dinary business corpora-
(8) Proceeds of property sold to
evade taxation.
(9) Interest in vessels.
(10) Merchandise.
7. Exemptions.
(1) Property belonging to this
State or subdivisions there-
(2) Bonds, etc., of this State or any
county or city thereof.
(3) Property of insurance salvage
(4) Property of fraternal benefici-
ary associations — exceptions.
(5) Property used for public wor-
(6) Graveyards, etc.
(7) Commemoration parks for sol-
diers of Civil War.
(8) Hospitals, asylums, charitable
or benevolent institutions.
(9) Incorporated educational or
literary institutions.
(10) Crops or produce in hand of
(11) Provisions and food for family
(12) $500 of farming implements.
(13) Wearing apparel.
(14) Pish.
(15) Personal property of domestic
corporations whose shares
of stock are taxable.
(16) Shares of stock in domestic
railroad companies taxable
on their gross receipts.
(17) Stock in domestic building as-
(18) $500 of household furniture;
(19) Ground of House of Reforma-
tion, House of Refuge and
Industrial School for Col-
ored Girls.
(20) Personal property of savings
(21) Preferred stock of electric pas-
senger railways issued after
May 31, 1927. Provisos.
(22) Property exempted by federal
(23) Intangible personal property
of domestic ordinary busi-
ness corporations doing no
business in this State.
(24) Working tools of mechanics or
(25) Manufacturing plants in Balti-
more City or any county
exempting same.
(26) Raw materials and manufac-
tured products of manufac-
(27) Property of Veterans of For-
eign Wars, American Legion
or Disabled American Vet-
erans of the World War.
(28) Vessels of more than 500 tons
deadweight engaged in for-
eign or coastwise commerce.
(29) Securities of hospitals, asy-
lums or educational institu-
tions given by non-residents.
(30) Works of art offered to public
authorities for exhibition.
(31) University of Maryland Ath-
letic Board Bonds.
(32) Intangible personal property of
certain schools in Baltimore