to insert such an appropriation in said ordinance for said purposes as it
may deem proper, and when said appropriation has been received the same
shall be paid over to the Board of Trustees, and the unexpended balance
remaining at the end of each fiscal year shall be added to the permanent
fund in accordance with Section 102M of this sub-section of this Charter.
Third: All money, property of any kind or securities that may come into
the hands of said Board of Trustees for the purposes of said Teachers'
Retirement Fund by gift, grant, devise, bequest or otherwise.
1908, ch. 78.
102H. The Board of School Commissioners may retire from regular
duty, upon its motion, and shall retire from regular duty, upon his or
her own motion, in either case the approval of the Board of Trustees
to be first obtained, any teacher who has been such for a period of forty
years at the time such application is made, and the teacher so retired,
provided he or she shall be entitled to the advantages of this sub-division
of this Charter under section 102E or 102F hereof, shall receive for life
the salary provided for by section 102-O. Every teacher who was such
at the time of the passage of Chapter 78 of the Act of 1908 of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, for the purposes of retirement under this
section or the next succeeding section, after service of twenty years as a
member of the teaching force of Baltimore City, shall be entitled to full
credit for his or her years of service as a public school teacher elsewhere.
1908, ch. 78.
102-I. The Board of School Commissioners shall retire from regular
duty, upon his or her own application, any teacher who has been such
for a period of twenty years at the time such application is made, and
who is disabled or incapacitated from performing regular duty, provided
the Board of Trustees shall find such teacher so disabled or incapacitated
after an examination made by a physician appointed by said Board of
Trustees, the examination fee or charge to be paid by the teacher examined,
and the teacher so retired, provided he or she shall be entitled to the
advantages of this sub-division of this Charter under sections 102E and
102F hereof, shall receive for life a salary of as many fortieths of that
provided for by section 102-O, as he or she may have served years at the
time of such retirement, and if the Board of School Commissioners shall
deem any teacher who has been such for a period of twenty years at the
time the notices herein provided for are given, to be disabled or inca-
pacitated from performing regular duty, the said Board of School Com-
missioners shall serve written notice to that effect upon the said teacher,
and the president or secretary of the Board of Trustees, and proceedings
shall then be had, after the notice provided for in section 102K, in accord-
ance with the provisions of said section. If the Board of Trustees after
such proceedings are had, shall find the said teacher to be incapacitated
from performing regular duty, the Board of School Commissioners may
retire such teacher from regular duty, and such teacher, if so retired,