impure substance into the same, or by swimming, bathing or washing
themselves or by washing clothes or by throwing any impurities therein,
or by committing or maintaining any nuisance in or near said water sup-
ply as to pollute the same; and it shall also be unlawful for any person or
persons to unlawfully injure said waterworks or any part thereof, or to
obstruct or interfere with the passage of water therein; and it shall further
be unlawful for any person, not being a water renter, to meddle with said
waterworks, or with the pipes, hydrants or other parts thereof, or to take
and carry away from said waterworks, or from any pipes, hydrants or
other parts thereof or connected therewith (either with or without the con-
sent of any water renter), and any person offending against any of the
provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine or not less than three
dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and in default of the
payment of fine and costs, the party so offending shall be committed to
the town lock-up in the town of Frostburg for not more than five days, or
to the Allegany County Jail for not more than twenty days.
1890, ch. 130, sec. 16.
265. The title to said water-works and all lands, estates, water-courses,
water-ways, conduit pipes, machinery and all other part or parts thereof
whatsoever, and all property belonging and pertaining thereto, shall on the
completion thereof vest in the Mayor and Councilmen of Frostburg.
1890, ch. 130, sec. 17.
266. The said Water Board shall have full control over the said water-
works with authority to employ such superintendents, workmen, servants
and other employees as may be necessary or proper to carry on the same
and to purchase all supplies and materials needed in conducting the same.
and with authority to provide rules and regulations for supplying the citi-
zens of said town with water, and to fix and establish from time to time a
schedule of rates and charges to be made and collected for the use of said
water, and the bailiff shall as in case of other taxes, collect said charges
(which are hereby made a lien on the real estate upon which said water is
furnished), and pay over the same to the Mayor and Councilmen who may
allow him therefor such additional compensation as they shall deem rea-
sonable, and all moneys derived from this source shall be held by the said
Mayor and Councilmen for the purposes of this Act and used by them for
no other purpose; and out of the moneys so collected the said Water Board
shall provide for the payment of the expenses of running said water-works,
and all suits or actions for injury or damage to said works, or for the col-
lection of water rents shall be brought in the name of the Mayor and Coun-
cilmen of Frostburg; and the said Water Board are hereby authorized to
make suitable provisions for the protection of the property in said town
from fire by providing a suitable number of fire-plugs or public hydrants
properly adapted to the purpose and conveniently situated for use.