may be provided for by ordinance, including one to be known as the
Audit Clerk, and another for the collection of harbor and wharf rents,
to be known as Harbor Master, with such assistants to him as may be
provided for by ordinance, and another for the collection of fees for the
inspection of weights and measures, to be known as the Inspector of
Weights and Measures,* with such assistants to him as may be provided
for by ordinance, and another to be known as Market Master, with such
assistants to him as may be provided by ordinance. The salary of such
Deputy, assistants and clerks shall be fixed by ordinance. All of such
appointees shall be subject to the written approval of the Mayor. The
Comptroller shall have general supervision over the financial matters of
the city, and shall have oversight of all sub-departments in this depart-
ment. No claim, account or demand against the city of any kind what-
soever shall be paid unless first audited and approved by the Comptroller.
All moneys collected for the use of the city by any municipal official,
unless otherwise provided in this Charter, shall be turned over to the
Comptroller and by him deposited with the City Register. He shall per-
form such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinances, not inconsis-
tent with this Charter. In case of temporary absence or disqualification
of the Comptroller, or a vacancy occurring in said office from any cause,
the Deputy Comptroller shall, during such absence or disqualification or
vacancy from any cause, act as Comptroller. The City Council by a
majority vote of all the members elected thereto, may remove the Comp-
troller from office for incompetency, wilful neglect of duty or misdemeanor
in office, upon charges preferred by the Mayor, and after notice of such
charges is given to the Comptroller and an opportunity afforded him to
be heard by said City Council.
Ord. 843 (1926-27).
34A.* The City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and di-
rected to open an account in the books of his department, to be known as
the "Mayor and City Council Real Property Account," and to credit to
this account the proceeds from the sale by the Mayor and City Council-
of any real or leasehold property or interest therein.
Moneys received from such sales shall be available only for the pur-
chase of land, and the purchase or construction of buildings, and other
construction work and projects, it being the intent of this provision to
limit the use of such moneys to capital expenditures, and to prohibit their
use for current expenses of the government.
The Annual Ordinance of Estimates shall include what appropriations
are proposed to be charged to the "Mayor and City Council Real Prop-
erty Account," and the state of the account, with the particulars as to
*Sec Section 85A, subsec. 9.
*Ordinance No. 843, approved Oct. 22. 1920. designates sections 34A and 34B as
a part of the Charter, under authority conferred by Chapter 418 of the Acts of
1024. and by Resolution No. 4. approved Sept. 26. 1924. and approved by the voters
at the November election, 1924. But see, Article 11A of Constitution and Graham
v. Joyce, 153 Md. 298.