862 ARTICLE 4.
Private alleys not exempt from taxation.
Hill v. Williams, 104 Md. 595.
Bridges over Falls and Railroads are parts of streets.
Northern Central Railway v. United Railways and Electric Co., 105 Md. 346.
Dedication may be nullified by non-user by public coupled with adverse occupa-
Canton Co. v. City, 106 Md. 69.
As to evidence of dedication.
Baltimore v. Tost, 121 Md. 366.
Reference in deed held for purpose of location, and not dedication, under facts
of case.
Bloede v. Baltimore, 115 Md. 594.
Improvements of the highways within Baltimore City by the State Roads Com-
mission and the right to compel railway company to remove its tracks at its own
United Railways Company v. State Roads Commission, 123 Md. 561.
A dedication of a street to become irrevocable must be accepted.
Baltimore v. Canton Co., 124 Md. 620.
Prior to Act of 1912, ch. 32, did not include grading, in condemnation proceedings.
Patterson v. M. & C. C., 130 Md. 645.
City cannot condemn in fee railroad yard for allev and deprive railwav of use.
133 Md. 658.
1874, ch. 218. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 809. 1888, ch. 285.
To provide by general or special ordinance for the establishment, and
change from time to time, of the grade lines of any street, lane or alley,
or part thereof, located or laid out upon the plan of said city.
Dashiell v. Mayor, &c., 45 Md. 616. Cumberland v. Wilison. 50 Md. 147, 148.
Kelley v. Mayor, &c., 65 Md. 175. O'Brien v. Balto. Belt R. R., 74 Md. 373. Balti-
more City v. Cowen, 88 Md. 447, 458. Guest v. Church Hill, 90 Md. 693. Patterson
v. M. & C. C., 130 Md. 645.
(Special Ordinance.)
1874, ch. 218. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 810. 1892, ch. 219.
To provide by ordinance for grading, shelling, graveling, paving and
curbing, or for the regrading, reshelling, regraveling, repaving and recurb-
ing of any street, lane or alley in said city, or part thereof, now con-
demned, ceded, opened as a public highway, or which may hereafter be
condemned, ceded, opened, widened, straightened or altered according to
the laws and ordinances regulating the same, and also for assessing the
cost of any such work, in whole or in part, upon the property binding
upon such street, lane or alley, or part thereof, according to such rule
or basis as it may determine, and for collecting said assessments as other
city taxes are collected or in such manner as it may prescribe, either before
or after the work shall have been done, provided that before the passage
by the City Council of any ordinance requiring the whole or any por-
tion of the costs to be assessed upon the property ten days' notice shall
be given in at least two of the daily newspapers in said city, and an
opportunity shall be afforded to all persons interested therein to appear
and be heard before some appropriate committee of the Council, and