834 ARTICLE 4.
(3) All real and leasehold property in said annexed territory which does
not come under either the classification of urban or suburban property,
as hereinbefore defined, shall be classified as a rural property, and shall
be subject, for the purposes of city taxation, for the year 1928 at a rate
equal to thirty-four per cent, of the rate to which urban property may be
liable, and for the year 1929 at a rate equal to forty per cent, oi' the rate
to which urban property may be liable, and so on from year to year with
an increase of six per cent, of the full city rate each year until and includ-
ing the year 1938, after which such property shall be subject to the full
city rate. All the easements and rights of way of railroads and the tracks
or other structures erected thereon, and all easements or other property
located in, on, under or over the streets, roads, avenues, alleys, highways
or ways in said annexed territory, shall be and hereafter remain subject
to taxation as now or hereafter provided by law.
Daly v. Morgan, 69 Md. 460. Sindall v. Mayor & C. C. of Balto.. 93 Md. 526.
U. Rys. & Elec. Co. Y. Balto. City. 93 Md. 630. "Balto. Belt R. R. Co. v. Baltimore,
93 Md. 638. Goebel's Case, 93 Md 749. Kuenzel's Case, 93 Md. 750. Gittings v.
Baltimore, 95 Md. 420. Baltimore City v. Poole, 97 Md. 71, 72. Joesting v. Balto.
City, 97 Md. 590. Cf. Groff v. Mayor, 44 Md. 67. Baltimore v. Rosenthal, 102 Md.
298. United Railways. &c., Co. v. Baltimore City, 93 Md. 630. Joestiug v. Balti-
more City, 97 Md. 591. Storck v. Baltimore City, 101 Md. 476. M. & C. C. of Balto,
v. Rosenthal, 102 Md. 298. Hiss v. M. & C. C. of Balto., 103 Md. 621.
Por classification at full rate streets must be public. Rubblestone gutters are
sufficient curbing within the meaning of the Act.
Smith v. Baltimore, 120 Md. 143.
Passes upon size of block in Annex, and condition of the paving, to bring block
under full city rate of taxation.
M. & C. C. v. Harris. 113 Md. 227.
Defines a block for taxation in the Annex.
M. & C. C. v. Knell, 111 Md. 583.
Charter adopted by Baltimore City pursuant to Art. 11A of Constitution held
not to authorize the voters to change this section, but that power to do so resided
only in the General Assembly.
Williams v. Broening, 135 Md. 226.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 6. 1888, ch. 98. 1890, ch. 468.
5. The annexation to the City of Baltimore of the territory described
in the Act of 1888, Chapter 98, shall not affect the right of any turnpike
or toll-road company heretofore chartered by this State from collecting
tolls upon such parts of their said roads as lie within said territory, nor
shall any provision in the charter of said companies which prohibits the
erection of a toll gate within one mile of Baltimore City, operate to
require the removal of any toll gates now located within said territory.
But the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall have the power to
purchase or condemn from said companies such portions of their several
turnpike roads as lie within the city, or to arrange with the said com-
panies for the removal of their turnpike gates beyond the city limits, and
to appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to carry out
these objects.
M. & C. C. of Baltimore v. Turnpike Co., 80 Md. 541. Ulman v. Charles St. Ave.
Co., 83 Md. 138.