786 ARTICLE 3.
cipal and interest, which may come into his hands and which belongs to
the Teachers' Retirement Fund; said treasurer and/or fiscal agent upon
the expiration of his term of oflice, shall account to said Board of Trus-
tees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County for all
moneys, notes, bonds and other securities coming into his hands and for
the interest, income, rentals, profits and proceeds of and from the same,
and he shall turn over to his successor all moneys, notes, bonds and other
securities belonging to said fund. The secretary, assistant secretary and
treasurer and/or fiscal agent shall make a full, true and accurate account
of their offices whenever required so to do by the Board of Trustees of
the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County.
1912, ch. 83, sec. 376E. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 589. 1928, sec. 727.
727. Every teacher who is such at the time of the passage of this Act
shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, notify the said Board of Trustees
of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County, in writing,
whether he or she desires to accept the advantages of this Act or any
amendments thereto; and every such acceptance, when given, shall be
irrevocable and no such teacher who does not so accept shall be eligible
for election to said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund
of Baltimore County, nor shall he or she have the right to vote for mem-
bers thereof; and every such teacher who shall fail so to accept before
October 1, 1912, shall not be entitled to any benefits or advantages under
this Act until he or she shall have first paid into the Teachers' Retirement
Fund an amount equal to the assessment he or she would have paid into
said fund had such acceptance been given on or before September 30, 1912,
together with 20 per centum of such amount.
1912, ch. 83, sec. 376P. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 590. 1928, sec. 728.
728. Hereafter the Board of County School Commissioners of Balti-
more County or the Board of District Trustees of the respective schools,
or either of them, or both, as the case may be, shall require all applicants
for appointment as teachers to agree, as a condition of appointment, to
accept and abide by the provisions of this Act or any amendment thereto
and to pay the assessments provided for herein or that may be provided
for hereafter.
1924, ch. 499. 1922, ch. 380. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 591. 1928, sec. 729.
729. All money, property of any kind or securities that may come into
the hands of the said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement
Fund of Baltimore County under the provisions of this Act or any amend-
ments thereto shall be known as the Teachers' Retirement Fund, and the
said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore
County is hereby clothed with full and complete power and exclusive con-
trol over said fund, and is hereby empowered to have, demand, receive,
hold, invest and reinvest the same for the promotion of the purposes of
said fund, which shall consist of the following: