716 ARTICLE 3.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 3, sec. 183. 1874, ch. 213. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 324.
1916, sec. 471. 1928, sec. 555.
555. If any such railroad company or corporation has now constructed
or shall hereafter construct any tunnel or bridge at any crossing inter-
secting a point mentioned or designated in Section 553 to be guarded
and provided as required by said Section 553 so far above or below the
grade of such crossing, intersection or point designated as not to endanger
the safety of any passenger, horseman or vehicle passing over or under
said railroad track, then it shall be relieved from compliance with the-
terms and provisions of said Section 553 at the place so bridged or tun-
neled as aforesaid; the construction of any bridge or tunnel to be sub-
ject to the approval of the Highways Commission.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 3, sec. 184. 1874, ch. 213. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 325.
'1916, sec. 472. 1928, sec. 556.
556. All railroad companies now in existence or hereafter to be created
shall have authority to raise or lower any public road, avenue, street or
other highways in said county in such manner as to enable said company
to pass such road, avenue, street or highway under or over such railroad,
but such work of raising or depression shall be done in a manner satis-
factory to the Highways Commission.
1S06, ch. 568. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 326. 1916, sec. 473. 1928, sec. 557.
557. The Northern Central Railway Company be and it is hereby
required to erect a station and to stop all local passenger trains thereat at
the place where said Northern Centra] Railway crosses the Falls Road,
in Baltimore County.
1896, ch. 469. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 327. 1916, sec. 474. 1928, sec. 558.
558. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons or corporation
whose business is that of a common carrier to stop its or their vehicles,
cars or engines upon any of the roadbeds or crossings of any of the public
roads in Baltimore County, over or across which the said vehicles, cars
or engines may run for a longer period of time than is necessary to take
on or let off its or their passengers or freight there waiting, not exceeding
at any one time a period of fifteen minutes.
1896, ch. 469. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 328. 1916, sec. 475. 192'8, sec. 559.
559. Any person or persons or corporation, its officers or agents, vio-
lating the provisions of the preceding section shall be liable to a fine of
not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be
recovered before any justice of the peace in Baltimore County; subject,
however, to the right of appeal to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County.
1896, ch. 403. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 328A. 1916, sec. 476. 1928, sec. 560.
560. It shall not be lawful for any person or corporation to lay any
railway tracks upon Old York Road, from its intersection with the York
Turnpike to Willow Avenue, in the City and County of Baltimore, with-