1924, ch. 539, sec. 13. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 339.
339. All individuals, firms and corporations lawfully having buildings,
structures, works, conduits, mains, pipes or other physical obstructions in,
over or under the public lanes, avenues, streets, alleys or highways of the
Metropolitan District, which shall block or impede the progress of the
Commissioners' water mains, sewers or drains, when in process of construc-
tion and establishment, shall, upon reasonable notice from said Commis-
sioners, promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate or remove the same, as to
fully meet the exigencies occasioning such notice; provided, however, that
the cost of such changes shall be borne and paid for by the Commissioners,
out of the Metropolitan District Funds. No water supply, sewerage or
drainage system which may have been laid out, constructed or operated,
before the passage of this Act, under the rules and regulations and author-
ity of the State Board of Health and the Baltimore County Commissioners,
shall be disturbed except by consent of the owner thereof or by condemna-
tion proceedings as herein provided.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any property owned by
the Anne Arundel County Sanitary Commission, or its successors, or by
the Anne Arundel County Commissioners, into which the water supply,
sewerage or drainage systems established by the Commissioners shall
extend. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the properties,
plants, franchises and/or rights of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more or to any properties, plants, franchises and rights that may be here-
after acquired by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for the pro-
tection or enlargement of its water supply, sewerage, storm-water drainage
or refuse disposal systems or any other of its utility properties.
1924, ch. 539, sec. 14. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 340.
340. Whenever three-fifths of the registered voters now residing in
any locality in Baltimore County adjoining the Baltimore County Metro-
politan District, but outside the boundaries thereof, as constituted by
Section 327 of this Article, shall, in writing, petition the Commissioners
to have the locality (the boundaries whereof shall be definitely stated in
such petition) included within the Metropolitan District, the Commis-
sioners may, in their discretion, by and with the consent and approval of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, extend said District to include
said locality, which locality shall become a part of said District and sub-
ject to all the provisions of this Act, upon the recording of such petition,
together with the written approval of the Commissioners, and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, in a book to be kept by the Commissioners
for that purpose, and upon such publication as the Commissioners shall
deem proper.
1924, ch. 539, sec. 15. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 341.
341. The Commissioners may enter upon any State or County street,
road or alley, or any public highway, for the purpose of installing, main-
taining and operating the water supply, sewerage and drainage system.