568 ARTICLE 3.
re-election. They shall each receive an annual salary of twenty-four hun-
dred dollars, payable monthly by the Treasurer of said County; and they
are required to meet for the transaction of public business, at their offices
at Towson on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and as
much oftener as a proper discharge of their official duties may require;
and from the fifteenth day of September to the fifteenth day of October,
the said County Commissioners shall also sit on the days above mentioned
for the purpose of reviewing assessments and making abatements. Said
Board of County Commissioners shall perform all the duties of the High-
ways Commission of Baltimore County, and shall have all and singular
the powers and authority conferred upon the Highways Commission of
Baltimore County by Chapter 465 of the Acts of 1904 and the several
amendments and supplements thereto.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 3, sec. 65. 1888, Art. 3, sec. 32. B. Co. G. (1908), sec. 66.
1916, ch. 118. 1920, ch. 2. 1922, ch. 32. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 125.
1929, ch. 274, sec. 125.
125. They shall meet daily the first Tuesday in November in each
year until the annual levy is made.
1918, ch. 457, sec. 1. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 126.
126. Whenever the amount of taxes collected shall be insufficient to
meet the current expenses of Baltimore County the Board of County
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall be authorized to borrow upon
the credit of said comity such sum not to exceed $75,000 as may be neces-
sary to pay such expenses.
See sec. 135.
P. L. L (1860), Art. 3, sec. 66. 1888. Art. 3, sec. 33. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 67.
1916, sec. 119. 1928, sec. 127.
127. They shall levy within the year for all expenses and disburse-
ments of the county, which, by a careful estimate, will be required for
that year, with ten per cent, added for discount, allowances and expenses
of collection.
1912, ch. 360, see. 67A. B. Co. C. (1916). sec. 120. 1928, sec. 128.
128. All stationery and office supplies in general used by the County
Treasurer and Roads Engineer of Baltimore County shall be ordered
by them from time to time as required, and the bills therefor paid by the
County Commissioners out of the county funds when properly approved
by the official incurring the same.
1920, ch. 313, sec. 1. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 129.
129. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County are hereby
authorized to contribute to the maintenance and support of women having
dependent minor children without adequate means of support in such
amount as they in their discretion deem proper.
1920, ch. 313, sec. 2. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 130.
130. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County are hereby
authorized to lew a tax not to exceed one-half of one cent on the hun-