554 ARTICLE 3.
buildings used for public assemblages and all manufactories employing
twenty-five or more persons, now erected or that may be hereinafter erected
in said respective election districts, for which they shall be appointed,
for the purpose of ascertaining if said buildings have the proper means
of exit in case of fire or panic, and if, on examination, any of the said
inspectors of buildings shall determine that said buildings as herein
enumerated have not the proper means of exit for the purposes herein
prescribed, then it shall be the duty of such inspector of buildings to
notify, in writing the said owners, trustees or lessees of said buildings as.
herein enumerated, to so improve the same as to provide the proper means,
of exit in case of fire or panic as in the judgment of said inspector of
buildings, he may deem proper and necessary. If any person, having
been notified, shall fail to comply with the said notice, he shall, after the
expiration of thirty days from the date of said notice, forfeit and pay a
fine of one hundred dollars for non-compliance therewith, and twenty-five
dollars per day for each and every day thereafter that he shall refuse to
make such improvements, as prescribed in the notice so given, said fines
to be collected as other fines are collected by law; provided, however, that
the person so ordered to make improvements to his property as aforesaid
shall have the right to appeal in writing to the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County from such order of the building inspector, and to
adduce evidence and be heard thereon; but the right to such appeal shall
be considered waived unless the same be taken within fifteen days from
the service of such notice. It shall be the duty of the School Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to comply with all the building regulations
adopted by the County Commissioners for the districts embraced within
the provisions of this Act; and it shall further be the duty of the said
School Commissioners to provide suitable fire escapes for all school build-
ings heretofore erected and now in use in the whole of Baltimore County
where said buildings are more than one story in height, and also to pro-
vide suitable fire escapes for all said buildings now in course of construc-
tion or hereafter to be erected; and in the event of the failure of said
School Commissioners to comply with the provisions of this Act, the
County Commissioners shall have the power to contract for the doing of
such work and shall deduct the cost thereof from the amount levied for
the support of schools of the county.
1908, ch. 300, sec. 6. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 26. 1916, sec. 61. 1928, sec. 68.
68. It shall be the duty of the inspectors of buildings to enforce the
execution of all existing or hereafter enacted buildings rules or regula-
tions relating to the construction, alteration and removal of buildings or
other structures, walls or parts of buildings or other structures.
1908, ch. 300, sec. 7. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 27. 1916, sec. 62. 1928, sec. 69.
69. It shall not be lawful for owners or lessees of any public hall,
church, school or place of amusement in said election districts of Balti-
more County to obstruct or allow to be obstructed by others, any of the