mentioned in the petition hereinafter referred to, on each one hundred
dollars of the whole assessable real estate in the village of Baltimore High-
lands, in Baltimore County, to be collected as other county taxes in said
county are collected, to be used by said County Commissioners for the
maintenance, upkeep and improvement of the roads and paths of said
village of Baltimore Highlands, provided fifty per cent, or more of the
persons owning taxable real estate in said village shall, prior to each
annual levy, petition the County Commissioners asking that such levy be
made, and in said petition mentioning the amount desired to be specially
levied, provided the same shall not exceed the sum of twenty cents on
each one hundred dollars of assessable property as aforesaid.
1922, ch. 426, sec. 2. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 38.
39. For the purposes of this subtitle, the metes and bounds of the
village of Baltimore Highlands shall be deemed and taken to be as follows:
Beginning for the same at the northwest corner of Maple Avenue and
Annapolis Road, and running northwesterly along the northeast side of
Maple Avenue two hundred and forty feet, more or less, to the west side
of Oak Road; thence southerly along the westerly side of said Oak Road
sixteen hundred feet, more or less, to Hickory Road; and thence south-
westerly along the northwest side of Hickory Road thirteen hundred and
ninety feet; thence southerly twenty hundred and eighty feet to the Pa-
tapsco River; thence following the line of the Patapsco River to a point
which would intersect a line drawn easterly from the Annapolis Road
parallel with Michigan Avenue, and one hundred and fifty feet northerly
thereof to the Patapsco River; and thence reversing said line and binding
thereon westerly thirty-nine hundred and eighty feet, more or less, to the
west side of the Annapolis Road, and thence southerly along the westerly
side of said Annapolis Road to the place of beginning.
Being all of the property known as "Baltimore Highlands" and em-
braced in the four plats of said development, namely, Plats Nos. 1, 2, o
and 4, and recorded among the plat records of Baltimore County in Plat
Book J. W. S. L. No. 2, folio 379, J. W. S. No. 3, folio 2, J. W. S. No. 3,
folio 34, and W. S. S. No. 3, folio 50, respectively, including also the
land immediately east of the said Baltimore Highlands development, ex-
tending from the W., B. & A. Railroad to the Patapsco River, and includ-
ing also the property west and south of said development, and extending
from Maple Avenue on the north to Oak Road and Hickory Road on the
west and to the Patapsco River on the south.
1896, ch. 240, sec. 1. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 19. 1928, sec. 40.
40. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons riding on a bicycle
or other vehicle of that description, to ride upon any sidewalk or footway
laid along any public highway in Baltimore County, or upon any side-
walk or footway laid along any private road or street in the said county.