(Insert on p. 1216.)
1906, Chapter 471.
755A. The Police Commissioner for the City of Baltimore is hereby
authorized, in the exercise of his discretion, upon the application of any
corporation or person in the city of Baltimore that the said Commissioner
may deem responsible, to appoint suitable persons as special police officers
to serve without pay from the said city or the State of Maryland, and the
corporation or person applying for an appointment under this section shall
be liable for the official misconduct of the officer appointed on such appli-
cation, as for the torts of any servant or agent in the employ of such cor-
poration or person. Every special officer appointed under the provision
of this section shall serve for not more than one year, and shall enforce
the laws and ordinances of the said State and city in and about any park,
public grounds, place of amusement, place of public worship, wharf, manu-
factory or other locality in the city of Baltimore specified in the applica-
tion, and shall have power to preserve the public peace, prevent crime,
arrest offenders and protect the rights of persons and property in and
about such locality and premises as fully as a regular police officer of
Baltimore City. A record of such appointments shall be kept in the office
of the said Commissioner, and any appointments so made may be revoked
by the said Commissioner at any time; and the form of badge to be worn
by such special officer shall be prescribed by the said Police Commissioner.
(This Act was omitted, apparently through oversight, from the 1906 Baltimore
City Code, and the omission was continued in the 1915 and 1927 editions. The
omission was not discovered until Article 4 had been printed.)