1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 407.
312. All ordinances and by-laws passed by the Council shall be sent
to the Mayor for his approval; he shall return the same to the next stated
or special meeting of the Council, with his approval or disapproval; and
any ordinance or by-law returned by the Mayor without his approval shall
not become a law unless subsequently passed at a regular meeting of a
four-fifths vote of the whole Council, and within sixty days from the time
of the return of the ordinance.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 408.
313. All ordinances and by-laws heretofore passed by the Commis-
sioners of Snow Hill, and now in force and not in conflict with the pro-
visions of this act, shall be valid and remain in force until the same are
repealed, amended or modified by the Mayor and Council; and all con-
tracts entered into by said Commissioners for the good of said town are
hereby ratified and confirmed, and declared to be binding upon said town,
and to be enforced by the Mayor and Council.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 409.
314. Power is hereby given to the Mayor and Council to be elected
under the provisions of this act, and to their successors in office, to restrict
and prevent any person or persons from building, erecting or construct-
ing any dwelling, shop, factory, store or other building, within the limits,
designated by a certain ordinance number twenty-four, passed by the Town
Commissioners of Snow Hill, on the fifteenth day of August, eighteen
hundred and ninety-three, unless the same be of brick, stone, iron, or other
non-combustible material; and that ordinance number twenty-four afore-
said, be and the same is hereby declared valid, and shall remain in force
until the same is repealed, amended or modified by the Mayor and Coun-
cil to be created under this act.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 410,
315. The Mayor and Council shall cause each male inhabitant of Snow
Hill, of twenty-one years of age and upwards, to work on the streets, lanes-
and alleys of said town under the supervision of the policeman, at least
two days in each year and as much oftener as they may deem necessary,
not exceeding four days in one year. And if any person as aforesaid, after
having been summoned in writing one day previous to the day appointed
by the policeman for working on the streets, shall fail to appear or pro-
vide some one in his stead, he shall, upon conviction before a justice of
the peace, be fined seventy-five cents, and shall be required to pay the costs
of said conviction; and the policeman shall receive for his services under
this section not exceeding one dollar per day that he is actually engaged
in working on said street.
1894, Ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 411.
316. From any judgment rendered by the Mayor in the enforcement
of the ordinances of the town, on appeal, shall be by the party aggrieved,