5232 ARTICLE 24.
ing for the owner to do so. This power to include authority to tear down
buildings or parts of buildings rendered dangerous by fire or other catas-
To regulate the location, size, character and cost of all buildings to be
erected, and to provide such regulations by ordinance.
To compel persons about to undertake dangerous improvements to exe-
cute bond with sufficient sureties, conditioned that the owner or contractor
will pay all damages which may be sustained by any person or property
from such work.
To make all regulations which may be deemed expedient for the promo-
tion of health or suppression of disease.
To regulate the construction of chimneys, smokestacks, hearths, ovens,
the erection of stoves and stovepipes, boilers, and apparatus used in build-
ings or other places, and cause the same to be removed or made secure,
when considered dangerous; to compel owners and occupants of houses
and buildings to make scuttles on the roof thereof with stairs or ladders
leading to the same and to compel the erection of fire-escapes.
To authorize and require the inspection of gas pipes, water pipes, plumb-
ing, drainage, sewage and electric lines or wires on private property or
elsewhere; to compel them to be repaired or made secure by the owner
or occupant, and on failure of such owner or occupant to do so, to authorize
or require the gas or electric current to be shut off from the same until
such repairs are made.
To regulate and prohibit the keeping of any lumber yard and the plac-
ing or piling of any lumber, wood or other combustible material within
the fire limits.
To suppress, restrain and regulate bawdy houses, disorderly houses and
houses of ill-fame and to prohibit the youth of said city from being on
the streets, lanes or alleys at unreasonable hours of the night.
To restrain and prohibit gaming.
To punish and suppress tramps and vagrants by imposing fines or both
fines and imprisonment at hard labor, and to abate by appropriate ordi-
nances all nuisances in said city which are so defined by common law,
whether the same are herein specifically named or not.
To prevent immoderate or careless riding or driving.
To regulate the use of streets and alleys by vehicles, and designate the
kind of conveyances and vehicles which may not use designated streets,
which have been improved, together with hours for the use of such streets
by certain specified classes of vehicles.
To prevent the encumbering of streets, alleys, squares, sidewalks and
crossings with vehicles, horses or any substance or material interfering
with the free use of the same.
To regulate the speed of horses, wheeled vehicles, cars, locomotives and
all other vehicles.
To regulate and protect all bridges, culverts, tunnels, viaducts, aque-
ducts, sowers, canals and hydrants wholly or partly in said city, and to
prohibit digging in such streets, alleys or public places, or in any way
injuring, disturbing or making holes in the surface thereof.