may have been legally levied during the term of office of any of his prede-
cessors, unless the same shall have been barred by limitation.
1912, oh. 223. 1920 Code. sec. 19.
20. Besides the power and authority conferred upon the Mayor and
Council in the other sections of this sub-title of this article, the Mayor
and Council shall have power and authority to make such by-laws in con-
formity with this charter as they may deem necessary for the good gov-
ernment of said town, for the following purposes, to wit: (1) To promote
and preserve the health of the town and the people thereof, and to protect
and safeguard the town generally and every section thereof, and to pro-
tect and safeguard the property belonging to the town as a corporate body
as well as the property of the residents thereof, and also to protect and
safeguard persons who are non-residents, and the property of such non-
residents while they or their property are within said town. (2) To for-
bid and prevent or remove and abate all nuisances and to define and
describe what shall be a nuisance, and to declare any existing thing within
said town to be a nuisance which prejudices or is liable to prejudice the
health of the people thereof, or of any considerable number of the same,
and to prescribe and appoint means for removing any nuisance and to
enforce the use of such means, and to prescribe penalties for a refusal
or failure to remove any nuisance after the Mayor and Council have
ordered the removal thereof. (3) To open, build or construct, and to
enclose or keep open, and to regulate and to keep in repair all necessary
and useful drains and sewers, and to demand and obtain for the police-
man, employees, workmen and laborers in the service of the town the right
to enter any private property and premises for the purpose of improving
the condition of any such drain or sewers; for opening the same when
they become closed or obstructed; to rebuild or repair them when they
require rebuilding or repairing, and also to provide penalties in case of
persons who resist any employees, workmen or laborers in the service of
the town, and to forbid or prevent any parties or persons from obstructing
such drains or from placing upon or over any drain or sewer coal, wood
or any heavy mass of any kind, and from erecting buildings thereon, and
to provide penalties for violations thereof. (4) To regulate party walls
and division fences. (5) To restrain and prohibit by ordinance all gam-
bling and gaming, and the keeping of gambling houses or tables therein,
and to prescribe penalties for any such act. (6) To erect and regulate
markets and to make all proper by-laws and ordinances in relation thereto.
(T) To establish and regulate fire companies, and, by ordinance, to pre-
scribe precautions and safeguards against fire, and to define and appoint
the parts and sections of the town to which measures of precaution as
well as means of extinguishing fire shall apply. (8) To keep in repair
sidewalks, gutters and roadways of the streets, lanes, alleys and thorough-
fares of said town. (9) To regulate the terms and conditions upon which
the public water supply and public sewers which the said town may here-
after have may be used, to establish a system of charges for the use thereof,